PRESENT: Linda Borleske, Joan Fordham, Joan Wheeler, Art Carlson, Paul Endres, Larry Volz, Jeanne Leeck, Kerry Beghin, Kathy Schauf, John Earl, Lowell Haugen, Al Dippel, Judith Stoeckmann, Tommy Bychinski, Sue Hebel, Bill Orth, Diane Keylock
In the conversation with Jim Deignan, Kathy was able to gather a lot of information. Was CPA for Eau Claire County and CPA/Controller for Nursing Home prior to becoming the Administrator. Became Administrator when county decided to privatize the nursing home. Decision to sell came as a result of the needed tax levy as well as the fact that the nursing home was not well managed. Several citations etc. First things Dove did was made sweeping changes in health care benefits and they no longer had to fund the Wisconsin Retirement program. Downsized the nursing department and reduced some pay according to market conditions. Were unionized before the sale however aren't now. Payor mix was changed so that they were able to double their Medicare residents by gaining better access to hospital discharge list. Short term rehab stays were increased. Are now at a 55% Medicaid rate. Nursing home did not have a good reputation in the community which has improved. Have no waiting list. Census has declined. Assisted living was added by taking 2 wings and converting it. Also added a new assisted living wing which has just been completed. Will be converting assisted living wings back to the nursing home. Private pay rate ranges from $157 - $197, depending on room. Eau Claire has 5 nursing homes within 10 minutes of each other - Physician and location go into the decision as to which home residents utilize. County board was not willing to put in dollars necessary to make changes to make the NH profitable. He has greater ability to manage and be flexible with private company. Was a huge process of change, first 5 years were difficult. Great deal of turnover and staffing issues. Currently have an adult daycare however is not licensed. Area in NH devoted to adult daycare for residents only. Has improved the quality of life for the residents. Did not ask how daycare is funded. Winnebago County is in process of building a new health care center.
Questions were given to Kathy which weren't addressed in her information including: an explanation of the cites received; pay scale before and after sale; total FTE's; funding for adult daycare; assisted living connected to building; why daycare is not available to community. Will ask Howard why board chose not to do market surveys before the decision was made. E-mail any more questions to Kathy.
Bill Orth talked to Human Services Director and was referred to Patty Schultz who is the financial person. Also to Margaret Hansen who is the adult services person. Prior to sale the nursing home was used to provide care to persons with mental illness and substance abuse and now is not. Have to be place in adult family homes or CBRF's and shifted payment from MA to tax levy which is more expensive for the county. No beds were decertified so no CIP II slots were received so no funds could be used. Most proceeds from sale were used in other departments. Stopped being a resource for difficult to place individuals.
Paul toured the Reedsburg Senior Life Center and was very impressed with layout. Handed out extra programs. Also was able to get financial information. Joan F. also toured and asked director if would see a new Sauk County nursing home as competition and he said no, that the beds are needed. Also felt adding assisted living would not compete with their units.
Gave committee copy of letter sent to Wendy Feinside and received a positive reply from her regarding the demonstration project.
Statement of Problem: "Definition of the scope and depth of services that Sauk County will provide in the continuum of long term care." All members voted aye in support of this statement.
Policy alternatives: options available as viable alternatives.
Items that committee wanted to include in scenarios:
Examples of scenarios - Status quo - we would not change anything or whatever your vision would be.
Human Services would like to see 1. A state of the art Health Care Center that would care for dementia as well as behavioral residents - locked unit. 2. Closing of beds to increase tax moneys to provide in-home/community care.
Demographics page of handout indicated that there will be more people needing care, however the workforce may not be available at that time. By the year 2020 the 60+ population is going to double. As we develop more community placements/services more staff will be needed.
Group has 4 meetings left in which a recommendation has to be made. Art asked if Colleen Bates could return and answer some unanswered questions. After some discussion it was decided that this committee should refer back to her written report. Any questions you may have for Mr. Deignan should be forwarded to Kathy before Wednesday.
Respectfully Submitted: Joan Fordham, Secretary