DATE: November 10, 2005
PRESENT: Linda Borleske, Joan Fordham, Joan Wheeler, Art Carlson, Paul Endres, Larry Volz, Jeanne Leeck, Kerry Beghin, Kathy Schauf, John Earl, Lowell Haugen, Al Dippel, Tommy Bychinski, Sue Hebel, Cindy Bodendein
ABSENT: Judith Stoeckmann
Jeanne compiled several scenarios which were briefly discussed. Question asked regarding closing/selling nursing home beds and the relationship to community options money. Jeanne explained that nursing home beds that are closed or sold free up some community options money to be used for community placements. If the beds are bought by another facility no options money is available. State is encouraging downsizing of nursing homes by making one time funds available. Is similar program to the new demonstration project which also encourages downsizing. Goal is to list 5 - 6 different scenarios and discuss them in detail. Example alternatives would include the development of an Aging Resource Center as a centralized entry point for services. These are already in the process of being developed. State looking at several counties working together and designating one regional agency to be the funding branch for the group. Joan F. suggested requesting scenarios from interested parties such as Human Services, Health Department etc., and studying Jeanne's scenarios. Kathy agreed as did the committee. Kathy will ask for scenarios from different departments and will get them in the mail to committee members before the meeting on November 22. Since guests are coming for that meeting may have to put off the discussion of the submitted scenarios until the next meeting in December. Discussion followed regarding the possibility of needing to have more meetings before the proposal will be ready for the county board. Paul indicated we will deal with that if it happens. Other committee members handed in their scenarios also.
Respectfully Submitted: Joan Fordham, Secretary