Health Care Center Committee

DATE: December 8, 2005

PRESENT: Arthur Carlson, Linda Borleske, Larry Volz, Tom Bychinski, Paul Endres, Jeanne Leeck, Administrator; Lisa Buttonow, Business Office Manager, and Katie Pope, Personnel Manager. Bill McClary, Chief Engineer was present for a portion of the meeting.

  1. Called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Art Carlson. The open meeting law requirements were met.
  2. Motion by Borleske, second by Volz to adopt the agenda.
    Motion carried.
  3. Motion by Bychinski, second by Borleske to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
    Motion carried.
  4. Communications. None
  5. Public Comment. Tom mentioned that while speaking with residents of his district in Reedsburg he asked about the HCC and 38 of 40 were in favor of keeping the HCC open and a county facility. Received many positive comments about the staff and care here.
  6. Jeanne presented the Business Office Accounts Receivable and Delinquent Accounts Policies and Procedures for the board's information.
  7. Jeanne explained the problems which arose from an emergency sewer back up in the duplex. The tenant called the Housing Authority and after not getting an immediate response called the Sheriff. Bill and Jane both got calls from the Sheriff's Department. Lack of communication was main issue. Letter is being written to the Housing Authority and tenants indicating that maintenance will not be going to the rental units unless cleared by Jeanne. The tenants were again given the Housing Authority emergency number. Larry volunteered to take the information to the Property and Insurance Committee for further clarification and possible action.
  8. Jeanne reviewed the donations for the month.

    Motion by Bychinski, second by Endres to approve the donations for the month in the amount of $1,615.00.
    Motion carried.

  9. Administrator's Report. Jeanne continues to work on rewriting the Policies and Procedures. Goal is to get all policies in the computer with the same format and in one file for easy access. Several departments are done. Re-licensing needs to be done for the FDD Unit. The Human Services Department provides some information for the license. Bill was unable to attend this meeting, however Jeanne explained to the board the need to go over budget to correct the environmental cites received. Will be able to use some of the money set aside for maintenance issues. Also are experiencing plumbing problems in the building because of the age of the pipes. These are ongoing problems. Jeanne responded to the questions submitted by Supervisor Kriegl. Packet contains an invitation to our annual Christmas Program for residents on the 20th and the employee Holiday Lunch on the 21st.
  10. Personnel Department Report. Katie reviewed the status of job vacancies and employee recruitment activities that have occurred over the past month. Working with MIS to upgrade KRONOS Timekeeper system. Union negotiations are scheduled for the 15th and 16th of this month. Have ongoing FDD unit staffing issues because of the down sizing of the unit. Jeanne and Debbie have been contacting other counties to check on the progress of placements for their residents who are still in our facility. Deb has been working diligently to assist HS with finding placements for residents.
  11. Business Office Report. Lisa reviewed the vouchers and financial statements highlighting items of interest. Complimented her excellent staff on the good work they are doing. Our Medicare rates are up and so is our Medicare census. Last year a successful appeal was filed for Medicaid and have hired Wipfli to do the appeal this year. Will be on vacation between Christmas and New Year's. Kerry will do vouchers. Board agreed to wait for financials until Lisa returns.

    Motion by Bychinski, second by Volz to approve the vouchers in the amount of $139,460.63.
    Motion carried.

  12. Future of Sauk County Health Care Center. Members were able to complete discussions on 2 of the 5 scenarios. The other three will be discussed at the meeting on the 15th. Final recommendation should be done on the 29th. May need a short meeting in January to finalize the proposal to the full board. Felt that the public hearings which were held were very good in that they brought out the fact that we are a health care facility, not just a nursing home. Therapies here are excellent and many people come here for that alone. Katie indicated that some advertising money will be used to put our name on note pads, hand sanitizers etc. Need to keep our name out there. Linda volunteered to write a letter to the media from this committee regarding the future of the HCC.
  13. Next meetings - January 5 and February 2 and March 2 at 9:00 a.m.
  14. Motion by Bychinski, second by Borleske to adjourn.
    Motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:35

Respectfully Submitted: Linda Borleske, Secretary