Continuum of Care Committee Meeting Minutes
DATE: December 29, 2005
PRESENT: Linda Borleske, Joan Fordham, Joan Wheeler,
Art Carlson, Paul Endres, Larry Volz, Kathy Schauf, Kerry Beghin, Jeanne
Leeck, John Earl, Lowell Haugen, Judith Stoeckmann, Al Dippel, Tommy Bychinski,
Sue Hebel, Bill Orth, Cindy Bodendein, Diane Keylock
- Called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Paul Endres. The open
meeting law requirements were met.
- Motion by Fordham, second by Borleske to adopt the
agenda. Motion carried.
- Motion by Dippel, second by Carlson to approve the minutes.
Motion carried. Correct copy of minutes was not received
by all members so copy will be sent out.
- Public Comment - None
- Communications. Letter in support of the Health Care Center
remaining open and a county facility was read by Mr. Endres.
Letter was from an agency nurse who has worked in many local
- Updates - None
- Tommy Davidson canceled. Will try to schedule for a future
- Discussion of policy recommendations
- Policy recommendations including criteria for
alternatives. Criteria are in ranked order.
- Provision of Service
- Status quo - Least disruptive, limits
expansion of services
- Down size HCC - Would free up additional
CIP II funds if beds are delicensed, and
(per the Keefe Report) downsizing to at
least 90 beds would enable us to capture
one time downsizing initiative funds. Possible
one-time funding through Nursing Home Conversion
Project. Limits possible future growth
in SNF beds.
- Close HCC - Most disruptive, lose control
of services to that population, loss of
- Privatize HCC - Continue SNF services
(as long as an agreement is in place for
private to stay in this county), ability
to expand community-based services. In
long run loss of control of SNF population.
Possible equalization of services for SNF
residents across the county (lack of consensus
on this item).
- Build new right-sized HCC with additional
services - More efficiency, expansion of
services, some services could suffer due
to high cost of providing a new building,
more self supporting (ability to attract
private pay residents) and conversely possibly
excluding the most needy.
- Cost Feasibility
- Status quo - Not efficient, not marketable
in the future, increased costs in meeting
codes and regulations. (i.e. Need to meet
fire code by putting in sprinkler system
soon). Will still have an old building
that needs constant repair, staffing issues,
need to move residents during remodeling,
liability issues still there - five stories.
- Down size - All of #1 and potential
loss of income due to lower census.
- Close - Costly for resident placement
and staff issues. Still need to deal with
existing structure.
- Privatize - Highest initial and ongoing
savings which could be allocated to other
- Build new - Requires bonding, highest
initial cost however savings due to more
efficient staffing patterns and energy
use. Potentially less efficient if beds
unused in light of some trends away from
inpatient nursing home care; however, beds
can always be delicensed. Possible new
revenue sources. Passed out Cost Scenario
Sheet labeled 3A. Costs comparisons included
selling the licenses/beds; close licenses/beds;
or continuing SCHCC for 1) placing residents
in other nursing homes 2) placing in community
settings 3) placing in other nursing homes
and community settings 4) placing residents
in "build-to-suit" nursing home. Supervisor
Montgomery, who was in attendance, recommended
that this committee have a meeting at the
new Senior Life Center in Reedsburg. Felt
many questions could be answered by staff
- Manageability - all are manageable to some
- Status quo - Allows for relatively steady
service provision while continuum and future
initiatives are developed. Once remodeling
is started, all building codes must be
met. Fire codes require sprinkling of all
parts of the building in 2006. As systems
deteriorate, we will be faced with making
repairs often in an emergency situation.
Discussion of the intent of Status quo
- some members felt it should cover just
doing absolutely necessary repairs while
further discussion is going on. All members
felt status quo should cover necessary
repairs which covers getting systems up
to code only.
- Down size/remodel - Manageable but with
more disruption
- Close - Manageable but most disruption
- Privatize - Manageable but fear/lack
of education are barriers. Residents are
fearful but are being reassured. If privatized
would not stay in current building. Manageable
provided there is a willing partner. County
would not have any control. Other departments
may have some difficulty working with a "non
related" facility.
- Build new - Most manageable - could
provide some additional services. Time
commitment and transitions. Possible fewer
funds available for community-based programs
and waiting lists in the long run. Dealing
with HS waiting list was again discussed.
- Public Acceptance - Acceptance of any alternatives
dependent on education. All alternatives can
be acceptable to some.
- Status quo - Acceptable to some of the
- Down size - Not generally acceptable.
May be acceptable if funds can be reallocated
to serve those on waiting lists. Public
hearings and meetings were held to educate.
- Close - Least acceptance
- Privatization - Acceptable to some depending
on education.
- Build - Acceptable to some.
- Other county models - Need to look at the
whole system and the continuum of care.
- Preferred alternatives
Second phase of discussion would be outline Implementation
Strategy and discuss unintended consequences and
policy limitations. Also would give guidance to
the effected stakeholders. Orth suggested that
any scenario chosen would have to give consideration
to the continuum of care. Need to consider what
levy would cost now and into the future and what
possible levy could be diverted into the continuum
of care for other needed services.
- Final recommendations. Plan is to have a recommendation
at this meeting, have another short meeting to
discuss final draft wording - not necessarily
all agree with recommendation, but wording. Final
recommendation then presented to board on the
17th. Tommy Lee suggested alternative No. 5 -
Build new for several reasons. Felt if decide
to privatize later would have new building to
sell, would be more efficient and most acceptable
to general public. Judith asked that each member
do personal ranking of the scenarios and put
all on the board. Wheeler felt members should
also make statement on the ranking of their ideas
on how to deal with waiting list. Wording on
page 10 was suggested - "...efforts will be ongoing
to address existing gaps in the Long Term Care
Continuum with available resources. The development
of a single point of entry system and the transition
to managed care." All members agreed to accept
the statement. After some discussion decided
to rank top three with first one listed being
the most preferred and the third one listed as
the least preferred. Each member voted with results
as follows. (These are votes with weighted amounts
added) - 1st choice = 3 points; 2 = 2 points;
3 = 1 point
Alternative/Member Voting |
Alt. 1 |
Alt. 2 |
Alt. 3 |
Alt. 4 |
Alt. 5 |
16 |
14 |
1 |
7 |
28 |
Stoeckmann |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Dippel |
2 |
1 |
3 |
Carlson |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Endres |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Volz |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Wheeler |
2 |
1 |
3 |
Fordham |
2 |
1 |
3 |
Earl |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Haugen |
2 |
1 |
3 |
Bychinski |
2 |
1 |
3 |
Borleske |
2 |
1 |
3 |
Outline for Implementation - Will be
arranging a meeting prior to the January Board
Meeting. After some discussion it was set for
January 11 at 7:00 p.m.
- Formation of group - No budgeted amounts for
group such as this to continue meeting. Will
have to institutionalize Continuum of Care within
existing committees. Functional groups will continue
to meet and provide input. Department Heads,
Supervisors and community members should be members
as well as someone to be the facilitator. The
community members would not be reimbursed. Kerry
and Kathy will look into budget concerns. Felt
the committee members should either all be paid
or none be paid. Any ideas out of this committee
will still have to be sent to the appropriate
county board committee before being sent to the
full board. Should stress that this group start
as soon as possible.
- Need to also begin the building projects group.
Will need to put a committee together to study
the project and put the appropriate resources
in place.
- Develop time line.
Unintended Consequences and Policy Limitations
- Ability to bond/funding (financing questions)
- Legal impediments
- Change in State Regulations
- Funding changes/MA rate changes
Guidance to affected stakeholders
- Information on how different committees
are going to operate
- Inclusion of statement that efforts
will be ongoing to address the gaps and
the continued development of a single point
of entry system and transition to managed
care. Judith requested a draft copy of
the information compiled tonight before
the next meeting. Kathy will send out.
Brief discussion of holding the meeting
in Reedsburg next time. Because of the
computer system etc., it was decided to
continue at the West Square Building.
- Next meeting will be on January 11 at 7:00 p.m.
- Motion by Haugen, second by Earl to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted: Joan Fordham, Secretary