Human Services Committee Minutes

DATE: March 7, 2005

TIME: 5:00 p.m., Room 213, Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Alexander, Earl, Vaillancourt, Dippel, Endres, Vertein, Stoeckmann, Bowers

Members Excused: Fordham

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Orth, Horkan

Chair Alexander called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

Motion by Dippel, seconded by Bowers to adopt the agenda. Motion Carried.

Motion by Endres, seconded by Vaillancourt to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion Carried.


The WCHSA Spring Conference agenda was distributed. Orth noted that communications received from outside need to be listed on the agenda. Board members were instructed to notify Bill of communications they wanted to discuss so they can get on the agenda.

Business Items:

A. Review and Monthly Voucher Approval: Horkan reviewed the monthly vouchers. Motion by Endres, seconded by Earl to approve vouchers in the amount of $1,516,196.32. Motion carried.

The monthly voucher report was distributed and reviewed.

B. Appointment to Long Term Support Planning Committee: It was stated that the Long Term Support Planning Committee is required by law. Harold Janechek has resigned from the committee and they have appointed Barbara Hawley. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Vaillancourt to approve the appointment. Motion Carried. Orth will check to see if approval is necessary from the full County Board.

C. Approve Resolution Authorizing Out of State Travel to Attend CMHC System User's Conference and Training: Motion by Endres, seconded by Stoeckmann to approve the Resolution to attend the training. Motion Carried.

D. State/County Contract Approval: Motion by Endres, seconded by Bowers to approve the contract addendum for Title IV-E Reimbursement for Legal Services. Motion Carried.

Department Updates:

A. Families Come First Presentation. Steve Drexler was not present. The presentation will be scheduled for another meeting.

B. Future Presentations: Ideas for future presentations were discussed. Recommendations were AODA Programs-Earl; CCI Placement Information - Vaillancourt; and CBRF-Endres.

C. Second All Staff Meeting: The second all staff meeting is scheduled for March 17. The meeting will include a training presentation of safety while working in a client's home. The all agency staff meeting will be on the Mission and Vision statements. Also, a general discussion on 2004 and 2005 goals.

D. Marquette County Request: Bill will be a contact to Marquette County while their director recovers from surgery. Bill does not anticipate it to be a significant amount of time. Motion by Dippel, seconded by Stoeckmann to approve Bill's role as consultant with Marquette County. Motion carried.

E. Homeless Update: Bill has had contact with Karen Sacia, staff person from Greater Sauk County Foundation of some financial support. Bowers mentioned that St. Vincent may be hiring a staff person to work with homeless and their issues.

F. Energy Assistance Process: Energy Services has presented to Orth, Brattset, Berlin and Horkan. Central Wisconsin Community Action Council will be invited to do a similar presentation. After this, a recommendation will be brought back to the board as to how to proceed.

G. State Budget Proposal Hightlights: Orth stated there is no new funding. However, Youth Aids placements at the Department of Corrections increased by 19% but not the funding. WCHSA has taken this issue up. There are some additional dollars in the Children's Waiver Program. There is a significant push to relocate nursing home placements into the community. The W-2 program proposal cuts are significant. Foster care rates will increase 10%. Proposal to increase nursing home bed assessments and the reimbursement to nursing homes will be based on the client's level of car.

H. PEP Out of Home Care Committee: Bill has been asked to chair the Out of Home Care Committee. PEP is the result of failing the Federal Child Welfare audit.

I. CARES Worker Web Pilot: Sauk County is the pilot along with Jefferson County. The new system is web/internet based for the Economic Support Unit. It has been positive to be a pilot as staff receive additional state support and training.

J. Health Care Center Ad Hoc Committee: Discussed a new revised resolution indicating the county will stay in the nursing home business. This goes to the full county board on March 15, 2005.

K. Commission on Aging Process: The recruitment for the director position for the Commission on Aging is underway. Gene Wiegand will bring together the department heads to continue the merger discussion.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Earl to adjourn until April 4, 2005 at 5:00pm. Motion carried.