Human Services Committee Minutes

DATE: April 4, 2005, 5:00 p.m., Room 213, Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Alexander, Stoeckmann, Vertein, Earl, Vaillancourt, Dippel, Bowers, Endres,

Members Excused: None

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Orth, Brattset, Horkan, Drexler

Chair Alexander called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

Motion by Earl, seconded by Stoeckmann to adopt the agenda. Motion Carried.

Motion by Dippel, seconded by Bowers to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion Carried.


Orth noted a letter pertaining to Barbara Hawley and appointment to Long Term Support Planning Committee. Orth reminded the Board that they had approved this in a previous meeting and it will now go to the full County Board.

Orth noted that WCHSA conference materials have been distributed for board members who might be interested. Orth noted that if there is interest, please submit registrations to either Orth or Brattset.

Business Items:

A. Review and Monthly Voucher Approval: Endres reviewed the monthly vouchers with comments that there were some increases due to a staff returning from sick leave, an increase in physician contract, and replacement of Lanier Dictation System. Also, some changes for adaptive aids and home improvements and two months of Mendota bills were received. Income Maintenance was down this months. Motion by Endres, seconded by Bowers to approve vouchers in the amount of $1,616,291.67 with provision to review other incoming bills for this month as they are received early in next month's business meeting. Motion Carried.

B. State/County Contract Approval: Orth noted that Title IV-E 2005 was received by the State, however there was an error in the month and year. The total was $33,213.00. In addition, Orth noted that there was a charge of $28,346.00 due to WiSACWIS. Motion by Fordham, seconded by Stoeckmann to approve State/County Contracts as stated. Motion Carried.

C. 2004 Year End Carry Forward Authorizations: Horkan reviewed Sauk County Department of Human Services 2004 Year End Report (See Attached). Horkan reviewed requests to carry forward a number of items to include: MIS, Medicaid CCS from last year, and additional carry forward items of Inpatient, Adult Residential, Data/Fiscal Lead Worker, and Miscellaneous office equipment, and Spanish translation. In addition, carry forward dollars will be used to replenish the Contingency Fund for W-2. A total of $165,584.00 will be returned to the General Fund. Brief discussion by Bowers regarding the Fax/Copier for Reedsburg. Question as to where the old copier would go. Horkan noted, it would be returned to the County for other County Departments to use or to auction off if not used. Motion by Vaillancourt, seconded by Stoeckmann to accept carry forward as documented. Motion Carried. Horkan reviewed details in 2004 Variance for Budget (See Attached).

Department Updates:

A. Families Come First Presentation: Steve Drexler was present to review the Families Come First Program. Drexler gave a historical review of the program as well as spoke about how families are served in integrated services and teams. There were several comments as to the efficiencies and importance of continuing this type of program.

B. Psychotropic Medications: Brattset reported that drug companies are reducing their samples. Sauk County Department of Human Services has a number of action plans to deal with this concern. One, is to work with the nurses in Outpatient and CSP programs to make sure they are distributing samples equitably to various areas. Second, all clients who can will sign up for drug company programs that distribute reduction or free psychotropic medications. Thirdly, there is a new program by the State called Badger Treatment Gold and this program can assist individuals and/or families who are not eligible for Medicaid Badger Care, however, need help with prescription medications. The web site for application is

C. Foster Care-Childrens Services Society Contract: Orth reported on the CSSW contract to include foster care, treatment foster care, day care licensing and TPR. In summary, Orth noted that there has been a position opening in treatment foster care. Orth has advised CSSW not to fill that position and to distribute job duties among current staff, especially since TPR duties are down. Orth summarized that he suggested that there be an increase in treatment foster care that is available and that in recent history there has been some difficulty with CSSW having enough treatment foster care beds and social workers have gone to other agencies outside of the contract. CSSW has agreed to increase their recruiting for treatment foster care and Orth suggests that this be monitored within the next six months and the board will continue to be updated as to the status of treatment foster care beds and the CSSW contract.

D. All Staff Meeting: Orth reported that the meeting occurred in the previous month. It included a discussion on the Mission and Vision statements as well as an inservice for staff on safety issues. The inservice as well as the meeting was received well by staff.

E. Program Evaluation Memo: Orth reviewed a memo he distributed on program evaluation. Managers are positive about this and the program evaluation process will move ahead by the end of the year. Each specific program in the agency will have measurements and there will be a start of data collection by the end of the year.

F. Sauk-Prairie School Meetings: Orth and Brattset reported on the continuing meetings with the Sauk-Prairie School District. Overall, it is noted that these meetings are going positively and recently Brattset, Orth, and Coppernoll were invited to participate in assisting them with their policies and procedures. There continues to be discussion about child protective service policies and there is work on an agreement between the agencies to allow for further discussions on complicated cases.

G. Marquette County Coverage: Orth noted that an individual (unknown) had sent a letter to a number of board members accusing Orth of covering Marquette County Director duties on Sauk County Department of Human Services time. Orth noted that he had discussed prior to providing three to four hours per week coverage at Marquette County, due to a medical absence, doing this with Gene Wiegand and Gene had approved this plan. Orth noted that it has taken no more than three to four hours per week. Board members indicated that they were in agreement with this and that the letter seemed inappropriate.

H. Family Advocates: Orth reported that Vicky McQuen has accepted a candidacy for Family Advocates and will begin her duties sometime in the next few months, participating in Families Come First.

I. Health Care Center: Orth noted that there is a meeting on April 5, 2005 for the Sauk County Chairmen involved in the discussion of the Health Care Center. There continues to be discussion on which direction to move with the Health Care Center and there was noted comments that there is continuing need to explore the issue from various dimensions. A number of board members indicated that it is hoped that Orth will continue to participate in the process of discussion these issues

Motion by Earl, seconded by Bowers to adjourn until May 9, 2005 at 5:00 p.m. Motion Carried.

Beverly Vertein