Human Services Committee Minutes

Date: June 6, 2005, 5:00 p.m., County Board Room, Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Alexander, Stoeckmann, Vertein, Earl, Vaillancourt, Dippel, Bowers, Endres, Fordham

Members Excused: None

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Orth, Brattset, Horkan, Wenzel

Chair Alexander called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

Motion by Endres, seconded by Dippel to adopt the agenda. Motion Carried.

Motion by Dippel, seconded by Fordham to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion Carried.



Business Items:

A. Review and Approval of Monthly Voucher: Horkan distributed monthly vouchers. The new report has additional line items for monthly budget comparisons. Horkan noted that in April 2005, salary and benefits were down due to no charge this month for benefits, which sometimes occurs. Contracted labor was down this month and in line with averages. The administrative area was up this month due to hitting several months bills at once. Community Living and Support was a little high due to the same issue. Community Treatment was slightly higher as well as Institutions that were paid for bills in March and April of 2005. Institution is up overall from the budget for the year. Motion by Endres, seconded by Dippel to approve the vouchers in the amount of $1,602,369.54. Discussion: Fordham noted that the Finance Committee is examining budget overruns. It will be encouraged to report if an overrun occurs, but Fordham was unsure if this is done by line by Department total at the end of the year. Dippel noted that this will be clarified on 6/7/05. Horkan noted she will check with County Controller after that date to determine clarification on the Finance Committee's decision pertaining to this issue. Motion Carried.

B. Resolution Denying Claim for Damages: Orth spoke about the claim for Sauk County Department of Human Services having sent money into Collections (see previous months minutes on this topic). A resolution was distributed by Orth (see attached) to deny the claim for damages. Discussion occurred regarding the resolution which included Fordham asking what happens if this claim is denied. Orth noted that Corporation Counsel has advised him to present this resolution which should allow the settlement by the insurance company. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Earl to accept the resolution as presented. Motion Carried.

Department Updates:

A. Waiver Program Funding Presentation: Horkan reviewed the Sauk County Department of Human Services Waiver Programs (see attached). The services provided by Waiver Programs and percentage of total dollars were reviewed as well as population types served.

B. Long Term Care Reform: Orth noted that the State is reviewing how Waiver Programs are being administered and is going towards a capitated management formula. Family Care has been a pilot in this concept in about five counties state wide in the last year. Four out of five of these counties have indicated that they have tried this format and have lost significant dollars. In the past year, the State has received a federal grant to review long term care in Wisconsin. Orth noted that in the Governor's budget, there will be a request for information, to get ideas on long term care systems in Wisconsin. The proposals will include:

1. Full risk with whatever entity accepts responsibility.
2. Regional entities.
3. Management of acute and primary care within the same system to include all medical care.

Orth noted that WCHSA has been deliberating on how to manage a system such as this.

C. CSSW Contract: Orth noted that the CSSW contract has been reviewed with their management. CSSW has made proposals for goals for this year to include a total of 15 treatment foster care homes and 25 regular foster care homes. In addition, 65%-70% of treatment foster care placements will be accepted and 85%-90% of foster care placements will be accepted. Orth still questions if one agency can meet all of the needs of the Human Services Department or do we need other providers? Orth will update the board at a later date on this contract.

D. Energy Assistance Contract: Orth reviewed the letter which was included with the agenda from Energy Services, Inc. (ESI). Endres noted that the previous history sited in the letter was not fair to CWCAC. Orth noted that CWCAC's past history with the energy contract should not be the issue for the decision on the current contract. Orth further noted that ESI and CWCAC both made presentations to Orth, Brattset, Horkan, and Berlin. Both ESI and CWCAC indicated that they could manage the energy contract. Also, taking the energy contract internal was a considered option. Orth noted that he thinks that being a partner is important with the current contract holder. Therefore, a decision should be made with continuing contracts when there are problems present. However, if there are none, as in this case, the contract should be continued. In addition, Orth noted that because there was significant administrative dollars it could be argued that the contract should be kept in the county, however, it should be noted that in this case, the vast majority of the money is kept in the county and only a small percentage goes to the corporate headquarters for ESI. Also, ESI brings in extra dollars from fund raising and CWCAC does not. Orth noted that taking the program internal would not be wise at this time. The County would not do fund raising and the County could not support the number of FTE's a contracted entity could. There could also be a union problem due to on-call concerns. All in all, it would be a better deal to contract. Orth noted that the decision by Sauk County staff was unanimous and the final recommendation would be to maintain the ESI contract and not accept other proposals at this time. Some discussion occurred in respect to fund raising. Bowers asked who monitors the fund raising dollars? Endres noted that he has some concern that the dollars returned to Sauk County seem to be low according to the total. Bowers noted that the Giving Tree gets a lot of calls and wonders why the bills for these people not being paid. Referrals to Energy Services has seemed to result in dollars not being available in these cases. Vaillancourt explained similar concerns she had with a number of students. Orth noted that we need to see other ways to assist in these situations when there are problems. Barb Berlin offered to take any consumer complaint calls on energy assistance at any time. Stoeckmann noted "Was it discussed that CWCAC also does other programs for Human Services?" Orth indicated it may make it more seamless to have CWCAC do the energy contract, but this for him does not override the decision to maintain the contract with ESI. Wenzel noted that Prairie du Sac, Sauk City Utilities had concerns that the contract would change. In addition, some concerns that money donated by Culver's would also be lost. These are monies from extra fund raising that ESI obtains. Orth reiterated that Barb Berlin will follow up on any individual complaints or problems with the contract. Vaillancourt would like literature and numbers to call if there are problems. Endres and Vaillancourt noted that they think every dollar raised in Sauk County should stay in Sauk County, pertaining to fund raising. Horkan noted that since fund raisers are often held in other counties, it doesn't necessarily hold true that all dollars kept in those counties are kept in the counties where the fund raising occurs. Orth offered to get more information on fund raising dollars from ESI and where those dollars go. Orth agreed to invite ESI and CWCAC to the next board meeting. Earl noted some concern about accountability in general. Orth noted if formal proposals have to be done, it would be very tight in order to get them done in time for the next energy season. Orth further continued that if we do change the contract it should go to a formal RPF, in his opinion. Fred Hebert from CWCAC was present and asked the Chairman to give comment. The Chairman advised Mr. Hebert to be brief. Mr. Hebert noted that fund raising by CWCAC was occur in the form of attempting to get grants as well as commodities that they distribute in the community. Mr. Hebert also described that CWCAC provides homeless programs in Sauk County. Mr. Hebert asked the board to keep this contract in Sauk County. There was unanimous board suggestion to have CWCAC and ESI return to the board meeting in July. Fordham and Earl asked Orth to please clarify with Corporation Counsel if it is a conflict of interest for them to participate in these discussions due to their participation on both the Sauk County Department of Human Services board and CWCAC board. Orth agreed that he will look into this by the next board meeting.

E. Meeting with Helene Nelson-DHFS Secretary; Bernie Bridge, DCYF Administrator: Orth reported that he attended a meeting with Bernie Bridge and Helene Nelson. He stated that the meeting went well and that the state has had significant input on child protective services system changes via the PEP (Program Enhancement Plan). Orth noted that Helene Nelson was very responsive to the points that WCHSA representatives made. Bernie Bridge agreed to partner with WCHSA in these continued recommendations.

F. 2005 Wisconsin Act 5-Sex Offender Information Release: Orth noted that the law allows for release of information on juvenile sex offenders via Act 5. This Act allows law enforcement to release specific information on high risk juvenile sex offenders. WCHSA spoke in opposition to this law. Law enforcement has not been given adequate advice as to what to release. Orth indicates that there is some concern that Human Services could get calls and has contacted Corporation Counsel to advise on what information Human Services should disclose to law enforcement, if any. Orth will continue to keep the board advised on this concern.

G. 2006 Budget Process: Orth noted that the 2006 budget process has begun. Packets have been given to managers. There seems to be state level funding, which looks better than was once anticipated for the 2006 budget year.

Motion by Endres, seconded by Dippel to adjourn until July 11, 2005 at 5:00 p.m. Motion Carried.

Beverly Vertein