Human Services Committee Minutes
DATE: September 12, 2005
TIME: 5:00pm
County Board Room
Baraboo, WI
Members Present: Alexander, Earl, Dippel, Bowers, Endres,
Fordham, Vaillancourt, Stoeckmann, Vertein
Members Excused: None
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Orth, Brattset, Horkan, Ethun
Chair Alexander called the meeting to order and certified compliance
with the Open Meeting Law.
Motion by Bowers, seconded by Fordham to adopt the agenda.
Motion by Endres, seconded by Dippel to approve the minutes of
the previous meeting.
Motion Carried.
Business Items:
- Review and Approval of Monthly Voucher: Horkan distributed monthly
vouchers (see attached). Endres noted comments that August
2005 was down as was July 2005 due to less hours in the month for contracted
services. Community Living and Support lines were up due to
extra VARC payment. CBRF line was up in July 2005. Community Treatment was
up due to an increase in CESA payment this previous month. Institutional
CCI payments also occurred. Income Maintenance funeral costs
were down. In addition, two months energy assistance contract was paid in
August 2005. Motion by Endres, seconded by Stoeckmann to approve monthly
vouchers in the amount of $1,644,535.85.
Motion Carried.
- 2006 Budget:
Orth noted that the 2006 Human Services budget has been presented to
the administration team. Wiegand noted to Orth that he will recommend to
Finance Committee to fund as requested. Horkan distributed a summary of the
2006 Human Services budget. (see attached) Endres noted that an increase
in energy costs could be a factor to consider in all county budgets this
year. Motion by Vaillancourt, seconded by Earl to approve the 2006 Human
Services budget as requested in the attachment.
Motion Carried.
Department Updates:
- A. Community Support Program Presentation: Scott Ethun,
Community Support Supervisor, spoke about the Community Support Program
(CSP) and gave a brief description of services in this program. Ethun reviewed
various program statistics (see attached), which documented the
ratio of staff to clients, which has been decreasing over the last 12 years.
Particularly notable is significantly less psychiatry time.
- B. Homelessness
Update: Brattset reported on the Sauk County Coalitions work group on
homelessness and several handouts were reviewed to include: universal access
information cards; and updated resource guide. Brief discussion occurred
on the work group focusing on shelter options in the future.
- C. Jail Mental Health/AODA Services: Orth reported on
mental health services in the jail, indicating that he had determined
that actual costs were about $90.00 per hour to provide these services. Since
this could potentially be for out of county residents, we could
not keep the current $45.00 per hour rate. The $90.00 per hour rate was
offered to the Sheriff’s Department with contingencies
to have them pay the difference of what they are currently paying.
The Sheriff’s
Department is concerned about the $90.00 per hour costs. Consideration
is being made currently by the Sheriff’s Department for finding
an outside vendor. Orth will speak with the sheriff in regard to
this issue. Stoeckmann noted that it is important to consider continuity
of care issues whereby it would be advantageous to continue to
have Human Services staff provide services as opposed to an outside
- D.
Energy Assistance Contract: Orth reported on the Energy Assistance
Contract, stating that he thinks the contract should be treated
like any other contract and would intend to continue to utilize Energy Services
Incorporated (ESI). Endres noted that he is okay with the contract
for this year, but oversight should be done regarding the difference
in furnaces that was described in the presentation between ESI (Energy
Services Incorporated) and CWCAC. Stoeckmann understands the value
of the energy assistance contract, but there is also value in multiple
collaborations, something that CWCAC seems to excel in. Bowers noted
that he is concerned that the ESI office is only open 15 hours per
week and crisis calls could be difficult. Orth clarified that the 15
hours per week is during the summer and that local office hours are
expanded during winter months to usual business hours. Vaillancourt
noted that there is benefit in networking with all of these agencies.
Vaillancourt also noted that resources are at times limited. There
should be better coordination as needed and there should be good evaluation
of how good a job is being done. Orth noted that previous evaluations
have considered Barb Berlin’s comments and staff comments from Economic
Support that there have not been problems. Stoeckmann noted that
ESI focuses on earnings where CWCAC is more of a case management model. Orth
will check for what evaluation is done by ESI for other services
and referrals. In addition, Orth will check on what quality measures are
being used. Orth spoke about internal program evaluations being pursued within
the Human Services Department and later expanding program evaluation expectation
to contracted entities. Earl noted that he agrees with concerns
and that CWCAC has rehabilitated houses and done a very good job with prevention
of problems. Earl noted that the contract is settled for this year
and perhaps other discussions could be held in the future regarding the contract.
Earl noted that if we give ESI a Sauk County contract, then there
needs to be Sauk County numbers not just large state wide numbers. Motion
by Stoeckmann, seconded by Earl to review program evaluation of ESI and
the current contract for the agenda of the May or June 2006 meeting.
Motion Carried.
- E. Personnel Changes: Mary Griffin, Account Clerk resigned, position
filled by Wendy Eng; Julie Arendsee accepted Barb Berlin’s
position as ES Supervisor; Cheryl Brickl accepted the ES Lead Worker
position vacated by Julie Arendsee; vacant ES Worker position; Edie
Udulutch, Program Support Specialist, accepted a position with the
Commission on Aging which has left a vacant Program Specialist position
in Access, two candidates have posted at this time; Julie Saner,
Accounting Assistant resigned, position filled by Jennifer Hahn;
part-time R.N. position held by Lisa Hollett was vacant due to Public
Health needs and Andy Gorsuch has posted into the full time R.N.
Motion by Endres, seconded by Endres to adjourn.
Motion Carried.
The next meeting of the Sauk County Human Services Board is scheduled
for Monday, October 10, 2005 at 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted: Beverly Vertein