Human Services Committee

DATE: November 7, 2005
County Board Room
Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Alexander, Earl, Dippel, Bowers, Endres, Fordham, Vaillancourt, Vertein

Members Excused: Stoeckmann

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Orth, Brattset, Horkan,

Chair Alexander called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Dippel to adopt the agenda.
Motion Carried.

Motion by Endres, seconded by Fordham to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
Motion Carried.



Business Items:

  1. Review and Approval of Monthly Vouchers: Horkan distributed the monthly voucher report. (See attached) Endres noted that in October 2005, salary and benefits and contracted labor, community living and support services were in line with average for budget year. Community residential was up somewhat due to AODA census. Community Treatment was up due to increase in autism cases, Income Maintenance was down due to a low number of funerals and transportation costs. Energy Assistance was up due to an offset billing issue. Motion by Endres, seconded by Vaillancourt to accept vouchers at $1,569,486.32. Discussion followed. Bowers was curious as to the low numbers from Mendota. Horkan noted that it is down somewhat, but a little higher than projected.
    Motion Carried.
  2. State/County Contract Addendum: Horkan spoke about three changes in the State/County Contract and addendum's:
    1. Administrative pass through money in respect to Adult Family Home administration time in the amount of $39,946. ($.50 on the dollar)
    2. CST Grant, which runs from contract year 10/1 through 9/30, in the amount of $53,500.
    3. Youth and Independent Living monies. This is in the amount of $1,018 for funds for foster care children in transition. Motion by Fordham, seconded by Earl to approve the addendum's review.
      Motion Carried.
  3. Consideration of Resolution Opposing State Changes for Placement at Winnebago and Mendota: Orth presented a sample resolution in that there be consideration of opposing State changes for placements at Winnebago from the county property tax (See attached). Motion by Endres, seconded by Vaillancourt to approve motion as submitted.
    Motion Carried.

Department Updates:

  1. CPS System Review: Orth reviewed information on the CPS system federal review and PEP (Program Enhancement Plan). As a requirement of this, a quality service review and status indicators instrument was reviewed (See attached). Orth noted he has volunteered to be a reviewer for CPS pilot of the instrument. Reviews are focused on comprehensive practices and feedback to the CPS staff. Orth asked the committee whether he should take vacation or use work time. There was a consensus that Orth should use work time. Motion by Endres, seconded by Fordham for Orth to use work time for pilot audits on CPS issues.
    Motion Carried.
  2. Long Term Care Redesign: Orth spoke about Long Term Care Redesign concerns (See attached). Orth described FPI (Family Partnership Initiative) and the current status of counties from FPI talking about Long Term Care Redesign and partnering with LSS. Also, partnership with managed care programs such as Elder Care or Community Living Alliance could occur, due to the fact that they manage acute and primary care. These non profits could also help in these areas as counties do not have experience in acute and primary care. Orth has spoken to Richland County Human Services Director, Randy Jaquette in respect to a potential partnership as well, and Juneau County may be interested also. Orth discussed perhaps submitting several proposals for the state. There will be continued discussion of this issue in the future. Endres noted he is concerned about how this could affect the Health Care Center business. Orth will speak with Health Care Center Director, and ask for input.
  3. Program Evaluation Monitors: Orth spoke about each Sauk County Department of Human Services program having drafted satisfaction surveys and quality measure which will be started in January of 2006. Data can be collected and next month meetings will include specific discussion of indicators from each area.
  4. Homelessness: Brattset reported on the Sauk County Coalition working on homelessness. There is an increase in access to the help line which is run via Hope House and continued refinement of that process to include meeting with police departments to have further clarification on after hours access. Several initiatives are being looked at for shelter options in both the Baraboo area and with St. Vincent DePaul in Prairie du Sac. Fordham spoke about certain requests for Sauk County tax money to go towards homelessness. Alexander indicated that he will discuss these requests indicating that the coalition is currently working on plans and to allocate any monies at this time would be premature.
  5. Personnel Update: Orth reported that Dr. Linda DiRaimondo will be the new CSP physician starting in December 2005. Dr. DiRaimondo will replace Dr. Mannis who is retiring. Orth reported that Janet Kappel, CAP social worker will be resigning her 25 hour per week position in February 2006.
  6. Marquette County Request for Consultation: Orth noted that the Business Manager at Marquette County is retiring after many years. Carol Wright, Director of Marquette County spoke to Orth about Horkan providing a consultation to staff at $40.00 per hour for two or three days total doing a review of the business office in Marquette County and advised them on a course of action. Motion by Earl, seconded by Dippel to approve Sauk County Department of Human Services to provide consultation to Marquette County on business office analysis.
    Motion Carried.
  7. Presentation of Topics: Orth asked the Human Services Board to submit any requests for topics they would like to hear at future board meetings. Fordham complimented Orth on his recent presentation to the Baraboo Rotary.

Motion by Bowers, seconded by Dippel to adjourn.
Motion Carried.

The next meeting of the Sauk County Human Services Board is scheduled for Monday, December 5, 2005 at 5:00 p.m.

Respecfully Submitted: Beverly Vertein