Meeting was called to order
by Endres at 4:30 p.m., and it was determined that the meeting
was in compliance with the open meeting laws.
Present were
Alexander, Dippel, Endres and Vaillancourt. Staff present
was Horkan and Orth.
The agenda was adopted.
Motion to adopt of the minutes for the prior month's meeting
was made by Dippel, seconded by Alexander and carried.
Communications - None
Business Items
Review and Approve Month Vouchers: Horkan distributed
and reviewed the Monthly Voucher Report. Several
line items were explained. A motion to approve monthly
vouchers in the amount of $1,569,486.32 by Dippel, seconded
by Alexander and carried.
Approval for Collection Requests: None
Departmental Updates
Monthly Reports: Distributed and reviewed September
Volatile Line report.
Next Meeting - December 5, 2005, 4:30 p.m.
Adjournment - Motion to adjourn was made by Vaillancourt,
seconded by Alexander and carried. Meeting was adjourned
at 4:50 p.m.