Judiciary Committee Meeting Agenda

DATE: Thursday, January 13, 2005
TIME: 8:15 a.m.
Branch II, Jury Room
Historic Courthouse
515 Oak St., Baraboo


  1. Call to order and certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law.
  2. Adoption of the agenda.
  3. Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  4. Circuit Court
  5. Court Commissioner
  6. Clerk of Court
  7. Register in Probate :
  8. Ruth Steinhorst:

Notice Posted: Friday, January 7, 2005

Agenda Prepared by: Office of the District Attorney

COPIES TO: Montgomery, Tollaksen, Fordham, Sinklair, Carlson, Mielke, Wiegand, Koehler, Evenson, Reynolds, Taggart, Grill, Barrett, Mueller, Daniels, Radke, Luck, and Johnson