DATE: Thursday July 14, 2005
PLACE: Branch II Jury Room,
Historic Courthouse
PRESENT: Carlson, Fordham, Tollaksen, Sinklair, Evenson, Grill, Johnson, Daniels, Mueller, Radke, Wiegand, Koehler and Steinhorst.
The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties notified.
Tollaksen made a motion, second by Fordham to adopt the Agenda.
Motion Carried.
Fordham made a motion, second by Sinklair to approve the Minutes of the
previous meeting.
Motion Carried.
Fordham made a motion, second by Sinklair to approve the District Attorney’s
Mission, Vision, Goals and Performance for 2006 Budget.
Motion Carried.
Sinklair made a motion second by Fordham to approve the Register In Probate/Juvenile
Clerk’s Mission, Vision, Goals and Performance for 2006 Budget.
Motion Carried.
Sinklair made a motion second by Tollaksen to approve the Circuit Court’s
Monthly Report and Vouchers in the amount of $750.87 for June 2005.
Motion Carried.
Sinklair made a motion second by Fordham to approve the Child Support’s
Monthly Report and Vouchers in the amount of $4,133.07 for June 2005.
Karyle Johnson appeared to discuss legal statistics (previously mailed out), and Genetic testing. Karyle is doing research on prices now that every paternity case must have genetic testing.
Fordham made a motion second by Carlson to approve the Court Commissioner’s & Family
Court Counseling Monthly Report and Vouchers in the amount of $834.00 for
June 2005.
Motion Carried
Tollaksen made a motion second by Sinklair to approve the Clerk of Court’s
Monthly Report and Vouchers in the amount of $28,167.19 for June 2005.
Motion Carried.
Terri Radke, Donna Mueller, Judge Evenson, Michelle Koehler and Gene Wiegand appeared to discuss a proposed Interpreter/Clerk Position for the Clerk of Court’s Office. Wiegand stated that he thought it was a thinly veiled attempt to get back an employee that was cut previously. Wiegand is concerned that the County wouldn’t be able to hire an interpreter at a Deputy Clerk wages. And if that position was filled, once that employee received certification, they would leave to seek a higher paying position. That as a functioning Interpreter position, that would require creating a new job category that could cause problems with the union.
Judge Evenson stated whether the County continued to contract Interpreters or create a position, the need for an Interpreter was there, and would continue to increase. That regardless of what the County does there will continue to be contracted costs for Interpreters primarily Spanish but not exclusively, other languages including other Spanish dialects; that continuing cases because no Interpreter available does increase County costs.
Radke stated that there are a few Clerk of Courts in the State that has interpreter positions. And that the State will reimburse a percentage of employee wages as well as contracted fees for indigent people.
Carlson stated that he thought the County should hire an Interpreter. Fordham stated that she would support a position if they could maintain financial balance. Koehler stated that for that to happen the County would have to lay off a position, and because of a previous lay-off position the County could be liable in a lawsuit. Koehler also stated that she contacted some of the Counties Radke talked about and those Interpreters where already in Deputy Clerk positions, who just happened to be bilingual. Wiegand asked what the average was for how many hours a day the Interpreter would be here. Radke stated that it could be 1 hour or it could be 4 hours. Koehler stated that there are improvements happening to the Language Line in the Clerk of Court. Tollaksen stated that there may be a time when the County needs to create an Interpreter position, but not yet.
Tollaksen made a motion second by Sinclair to approve the Register In
Probate/Juvenile Clerk’s Monthly Report and Vouchers in the amount
of $942.21 for June 2005.
Motion Carried.
Sinclair made a motion second by Fordham to approve the District Attorney’s
Monthly Report and Vouchers in the amount of $433.98 for June 2005.
Motion Carried.
Tollaksen made a motion, second by Sinclair to adjourn to August 11, 2005
at 8:15 a.m. in the Branch II Jury Room.
Motion, Carried.
Submitted by: Joan Fordham, Secretary