DATE: March 10, 2005
UW-Extension ETN West Square Building
Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:15 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Zowin, Lehman, Wiese, Borleske, and Cassity from the Committee; Norgard-FSA; Van Berkel, Pohle, Albrecht, and Bergstrom-LCD.
Adopt Agenda: Motion by Borleske/Zowin to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.
Appearances: There were none.
Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting: Motion by Borleske/Cassity to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting on February 10. Motion carried, all in favor.
Training events: Motion by Cassity/Lehman to approve the list of training events. Motion carried, all in favor. Pohle briefed the LCC about the state award the Youth Environmental Projects of Sauk County (YEPS) that will be awarded at a ceremony and also about her involvement for the LCD in this group.
Bills: Bill summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve bills in the amount of $24,531.18. Motion carried, all in favor.
Correspondence: Van Berkel distributed copies of the latest Thursday Notes.
Van Berkel informed the Committee of the dates for the Joint Finance Committee hearings on the budget. He discussed the recommended WLWCA talking points for these hearings.
Van Berkel received Committee recommendations for the WLWCA bylaw topics being discussed by the Steering Committee.
Van Berkel distributed the public hearing dates and locations for the Livestock Facility Siting Rules. Borleske, Zowin, and possibly Lehman will attend. The LCC discussed the proposed rules. UW-Extension, Wisconsin Counties Association, Wisconsin Towns Association, and Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP) are also providing joint training sessions for the Livestock Facility Siting Rules.
Reports: Norgard informed the LCC that the FSA is working on the 2003/2004 Crop Disaster Program. The LCC requested that Norgard attempt to find a replacement FSA advisor to the LCC as Craker has not been able to attend a meeting for quite some time.
Van Berkel informed the LCC that Brent Bergstrom, Project Director, was awarded a WALCE Outstanding Employee Award at the annual conference. He was instrumental in a very successful year of construction in 2004 and in the tremendous success level achieved in the two completed watershed projects.
Consider Adoption of Standard Fencing Cost-Share Rates: Albrecht presented suggested cost-sharing limits to control costs for conversion to a managed grazing system through the Land and Water Resource Management Grants (LWRM). Motion by Cassity/Borleske to accept the recommendations, as printed, with the addition of an allowable cost of $100/acre for seeding for the initial establishment. Motion carried, all in favor.
Consider 2006 Grant Applications: Van Berkel previewed the grant requests being submitted and the possible staff funding level. The 2006 year will again be a very difficult budget year for the department as the likelihood of increased grants for staff is minimal while the increased cost for existing staff is expected to increase by approximately $44,000. He also outlined some of the difficulties the department is having meeting assistance requests due to a reduced 2005 staff level.
Staffing Update: Discussion was combined with the previous agenda item. No actions taken.
Review and Approval of Farmland Preservation Agreement-Randall and Diane Puttkamer: Albrecht stated that Puttkamer's were in the program before and met all of the requirements. This is an application for a new 10 year transition area agreement due to its proximity to Baraboo. Motion by Lehman/Borleske to approve the agreement. Motion carried, all in favor.
Motion to adjourn until April 14 at 9:00 a.m. by Wiese/Borleske at 12:10 p.m. Motion carried, all in favor.
Kathy Zowin, Secretary