DATE: April 14, 2005
Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:02 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Zowin, Lehman, Wiese, Cassity, and Cummings from the Committee; Norgard-FSA; Van Berkel and Pohle-LCD. Gary Cummings of rural Baraboo was introduced as the new FSA Committee representative to the LCC Committee. Borleske was absent.
Adopt Agenda: Motion by Cassity/Zowin to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.
Appearances: There were none.
Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting: Motion by Cassity/Zowin to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting on March 10. Motion carried, all in favor.
Training events: Motion by Zowin/Cassity to approve the list of training events. Motion carried, all in favor.
Bills: Bill summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Cassity/Cummings to approve bills in the amount of $49,767.86. Motion carried, all in favor.
Correspondence: Van Berkel distributed copies of the latest Thursday Notes.
There was some discussion regarding nutrient management planning being done by landowners and co-ops.
Van Berkel informed the LCC that the National Watershed Coalition is concerned with the watershed protection budget cuts and requested a letter be sent to legislators. Committee took no action since our legislators already support watershed protection funds.
Van Berkel presented the formal 2005 Soil and Water Grant Agreements previously approved for Chair Wiese's signature.
Reports: Lehman attended one of the Wisconsin Counties Association training sessions for the Livestock Facility Siting Rules held in Mineral Point. These rules are presently in draft form. Lehman reported on concerns with ordinance adoption, maximum fees allowed and concerns regarding the odor requirements.
Norgard informed the LCC that the FSA and NRCS are beginning work on the conservation plans for last fall's Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) signup. The deadline for the annual signup of the Direct and Counter-Cyclical Program (DCP) is June 1, 2005. Signup also continues on the 2003/2004 Crop Disaster Program (CDP).
Update on Property Sale and Completion of Dam Rehabilitation Project: Van Berkel has received notification that the DNR had signed off on the easement and payment is on the way. Van Berkel is moving forward with the property sale. He sent notice to the people who expressed interest in the properties, published it in the newspapers, and sent a copy to the Town of Franklin board. Written bids will be accepted until May 6. This committee, Transportation and Parks Committee, and the Property and Insurance Committee will need to approve the bids the following week. County Board will review for final approval on May 17 and then hopefully complete the sale soon after that date.
Grant and Staffing Update: Van Berkel reported on the 2006 grants for staff and cost sharing submitted to DATCP and the background information used to derive the grant amounts. Motion by Zowin/Cassity to approve the DATCP grant request as submitted. Motion carried, all in favor.
Van Berkel briefed the Committee on the 2006 River Planning Grant for Otter Creek and what the goals and outcomes of the planning grant might be. Motion by Lehman/Cassity to apply for the River Planning Grant for Otter Creek. Motion carried, all in favor.
Van Berkel discussed limitations due to LCD staff levels as the reason for not applying for a Targeted Resource Management (TRM) grant for 2006. Staff level has dropped 3.2 FTE over the last couple years and the TRM grants do not fund added staff. He explained that this approach would decrease the amount of cost sharing available in 2006 but felt it was necessary due to the number of plan and ordinance revisions that should be addressed in the next two years. There is also a concern regarding the ability to maintain even the present staff level into 2006. Salaries and fringes will go up about $45,000 in 2006 and it will be very difficult to recover this amount through grants. Van Berkel emphasized the importance of maintaining the present level and several possible approaches to do this.
Van Berkel reported on a recent seminar on waterfront revitalization he attended. He proposed the Department work with the communities along the Baraboo River to attempt to establish a water trail along the river. Motion by Zowin/Cummings to work toward this goal and apply for grants that may support this effort. Motion carried, all in favor.
Review LWRM Cost-share Grants and Scoring Sheet: Van Berkel distributed the cost-share ranking sheet and a spreadsheet of applicants with their practices and costs and also scenarios for possible selections. The number of applications in previous years was about even to the amount of cost-share money available. This year we received applications for funds that totaled about three times the available amount. This made use of the ranking sheet more important. Committee discussed the rankings used and felt they represented the desired priorities. No action required from the LCC.
Selection of Teacher Scholarship Applicants: Pohle informed the Committee that only one application was received this year. The county sponsors up to two environmental education scholarships each year. Motion by Zowin/Cassity to approve Karyn Talmage from Baraboo East Elementary School for a teacher scholarship up to $250. Motion carried, all in favor.
Selection of Youth Conservation Camp Scholarship Applicants: Pohle informed the LCC that two students applied for the 2005 camp scholarships. The two applicants are Ken Reeson from Loganville and Julia Gabrielson from Baraboo. They will attend a four-day camp located near Bruce, Wisconsin. Pohle noted that this is the first time since 2000 that we have had applications for this scholarship. The camp had previously been held in early June when school was still in session. Now it will be later in June which will allow more students to participate. Motion by Lehman/Cassity to sponsor Ken Reeson and Julia Gabrielson for the Youth Conservation Camp. Motion carried, all in favor. The Committee suggested purchasing disposable cameras for the students to take pictures for themselves and the Committee.
Review and Approval of Farmland Preservation Agreements-Marvin & Delores Muchow, William & Charlene Turner, Gregory & Diane Wipperfurth: Van Berkel stated that all of the applicants are in compliance with the conservation requirements. Motion by Lehman/Zowin to approve the following agreements: Marvin and Delores Muchow - 10-year contract, William and Charlene Turner - 16-year contract, Gregory and Diane Wipperfurth - 25-year contract . Motion carried, all in favor.
Motion to adjourn until May 12 at 9:00 a.m. by Cummings/Cassity at 11:15 a.m. Motion carried, all in favor.
Kathy Zowin, Secretary