Land Conservation Committee Minutes

DATE: May 12, 2005
UW-Extension ETN
West Square Building

Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 11:05 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Zowin, Lehman, Wiese, and Borleske; Norgard-FSA; Brereton-NRCS; Stearns-Forestry; Van Berkel and Pohle-LCD. Cassity was absent.

Adopt Agenda:

Motion by Borleske/Lehman to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried, all in favor.


There were none.

Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Motion by Lehman/Borleske to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting on April 14.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Training events:

Discussion on Vosberg attendance at Stormwater Runoff Training and how that related to new requirements presented at the earlier meeting with Planning and Zoning. Vosberg does the stormwater review for subdivisions for Planning and Zoning. Zowin recommended presenting a program for local contractors and government officials on the new stormwater requirements. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to approve the list of training events. Motion carried, all in favor.


Bill summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Borleske/Zowin to approve bills in the amount of $4,918.52. Motion carried, all in favor.


Van Berkel reviewed the latest Thursday Notes.

Lehman stated that the landowner he contacted to hold a multi-flora rose field day is not interested, but he will check with another person that might be interested. Van Berkel stated that a location is needed in order to move forward.

Van Berkel noted that the County Board had referred a letter on the relocation of wolves in Wisconsin to the LCC. A model resolution is available. Bill Ishmael advised Van Berkel that there is no chance of DNR relocating any wolves to Sauk County. Committee decided to take no action.


Brereton reported that there were 24 Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) applicants funded amounting to approximately $156,000. An additional $22,000 allocation to fund development of comprehensive nutrient management plans for two farmers was received.

Norgard reported with the wet conditions last year, some producers are having problems establishing their Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) cover. The county FSA committee is looking for nominations of individuals (including minorities) from the northeast portion of the county for the upcoming election. Cummings is not eligible for re-election.

Stearns reported that 146,000 trees were sold in Sauk County this past spring, which is a little lower than last year due in part to lower enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program.

Adopt Resolution Denying Brian L. Peper Claim: Van Berkel informed the LCC that this claim was in regards to an accident last summer involving our summer intern and Peper. Peper is suing for $30,000 in damages. Corporation Counsel recommended denying this claim. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to deny Peper’s claim. Motion carried, all in favor.

Review Bids and Adopt Resolution Regarding Sale of Properties Purchased as Part of White Mound Dam Rehabilitation Project: Van Berkel updated the Committee on the sale of the properties and reviewed the bids.

On the Nachreiner parcel, Robert Yanke asked to withdraw his top two bids because a neighboring farmer emptied a manure storage facility and spread it across the property between bid submission and opening. He feels that action has diminished the value of the property. This activity caused approval of the sale to be put on hold. An investigation by the Sheriff’s Department is being conducted on the manure spread. Wiese presented a letter from Lucinda Yanke stating that she will honor her bid on the parcel. There was not a bid security payment required with the bids. The Transportation and Parks Committee has passed a motion to reject all of the bids and let the investigation go forward. The county could offer the property to the renters from previous years and hold a public auction in the fall. Liebman recommended rejecting all of the bids at this point and revisiting the issue later. Motion by Lehman/Borleske to reject all bids and offer the property to the previous renter for the 2005 crop year and then hold a public auction by November 1, 2005.
Motion carried, all in favor.

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) needs to get the dam rehabilitation grant settled and close out their books. They offered to use the property value of $44,200 based on the DNR’s appraisal as the closing value. If the county sold the property for more later, it could just be to the county benefit. Motion by Zowin/Borleske to accept the $44,200 value as proposed by NRCS to close their books.
Motion carried, all in favor.

There were two bids submitted for the parcel on the Ellefson property. Richard Witmann submitted the high bid for $300. Motion by Zowin/Borleske that we approve the sale of the parcel for $300 to Richard Witmann.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Consider Use of Tree Planter Revenue for Woodland Leadership Scholarship: Stearns noted that two county tree planters, a tree planter shared with another county, and a tree sprayer are rented out for a fee. Each year $1,400 in profits are budgeted, and our records show we have always earned above this. This is a budgeted revenue and is in a non-lapsing account. There are also less repair costs than years ago due to having more planters. The foresters are looking for some opportunities to use these funds to encourage participation in forestry management seminars. They would like to either fully or partially sponsor a landowner to attend a seven-day training with the Woodland Leadership Institute. In the past, landowners have paid their own way. Motion by Borleske/Zowin to pay up to $250 from the rental revenues for an individual to attend the Woodland Leadership Institute.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Review and Approval of Farmland Preservation Agreement-Robert L. Hyzer: Van Berkel informed the LCC that Hyzer is in compliance with the conservation requirements. Motion by Lehman/Borleske to approve the FPP transition agreement for Hyzer.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Motion to adjourn until June 9 at 9:00 a.m. by Borleske/Zowin at 12:17 p.m.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Respecfully Submitted: Kathy Zowin, Secretary