Land Conservation Committee Minutes

DATE: July 14, 2005
PLACE: UW-Extension ETN West Square Building

Meeting called to order by Vice Chairman Lehman at 9:15 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Lehman, Borleske, and Cummings from the Committee; Brereton-NRCS; Van Berkel, Albrecht and Pouliot-LCD.

Adopt Agenda: Moved by Borleske, seconded by Cummings to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting: Moved by Borleske, seconded by Cummings to adopt the minutes of the June LCC meeting.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Training events: Moved by Cummings, seconded by Borleske to approve the list of training events.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Bills: Bill summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Moved by Borleske, seconded by Cummings to approve bills in the amount of $20,083.10.
Motion carried, all in favor.

Correspondence: Copies of the latest Thursday Notes were distributed. Van Berkel discussed the proposed state budget as it relates to the LCD’s. The budget, as passed, proposed a reduction in bonded cost-share dollars, but it does include an increase of $500,000 for conservation staffing, $520,000 for non-bondable conservation practice cost sharing, and increased monies for aquatic invasive control. These were all areas of concern addressed by the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association.

Reports: Brereton from NRCS reported that the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) waste storage signup has ended. Both applications submitted from the county have been approved for funding. Sauk County was also allocated and committed $335,976 in additional EQIP funding this year for other practices. One Grassland Reserve Program application and two Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program applications were approved. Discussion followed regarding grazing Conservation Reserve Program acres this year because of the drought.

Lake Redstone Grant: Van Berkel reported that Lake Redstone has requested Committee support for their state grant application for water testing within the contributing streams and the lake. There are no county funds involved in the project, but a letter of support from the Land Conservation Committee would be helpful. Moved by Borleske, seconded by Cummings to support the Lake Redstone’s application and urge DNR to fund the project. Motion carried.

Transect Survey: Albrecht reviewed the data from the latest transect survey completed this year. This is the seventh year that the survey has been conducted, and soil erosion levels have remained relatively constant over the past seven years. Increases in corn and soybean acreage have been offset by higher residue levels and more no-till. Conversion of cropland to other uses was discussed.

Preliminary 2006 Budget: Van Berkel submitted estimates of the 2006 budget for committee review. He stressed that the figures were preliminary. Because of increased grant funds obtained by department staff, the preliminary budget would require an increase of approximately $15,000 in county levy. The budget proposal would increase DeMars position from .77 to full time, increase Koenig from .5 to .6 of full time, allow for a $4,000 increase in other operational expenses, replace the total station survey system at an estimated cost of $10,000, and include a $33,000 salary and fringe cost increase in existing staff. Because of grant and contract work reimbursement however, these items could all be included at a net levy increase of approximately $15,000. Committee supported this request and complimented the work by staff to obtain grants and contracts. Van Berkel also proposed that some remaining county cost-share monies from the completed Narrows Creek Project be used for other initiatives, including invasive control, nonpoint runoff rule implementation, and supplemental cost sharing for Land and Water Resource Management projects.

WLWCA By-laws Update: Van Berkel reported that the three days of meetings of the steering committee made minor progress. He reviewed the steering committee recommendations concerning voting procedures, membership and board qualifications, procedures for changing by-laws, etc. These recommendations will be considered at the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association (WLWCA) annual meeting.

The steering committee reached a stalemate on the most divisive issue, the inclusion of staff into the Association, so no recommendation was made. The Southeast Area Association vowed to propose a resolution at the state meeting that would revise the by-laws to include staff.

Purchase of Dissolved Oxygen Measuring Instrument: Van Berkel discussed the need for a dissolved oxygen measuring instrument to continually track in-stream conditions. The instrument would cost approximately $5,000 and could be purchased in 2005 or included in the 2006 budget. Moved by Borleske, seconded by Cummings to approve the purchase of the dissolved oxygen measuring instrument in 2005 if sufficient funds are available. Motion carried.

The next monthly meeting date was tentatively set for Friday, August 12, 2005 at 9:00 a.m.

Moved by Cummings, seconded by Borleske to adjourn at 10:43 a.m.
Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted: Zowin, Secretary