Land Conservation Committee Minutes

DATE: September 8, 2005

Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:02 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Zowin, Lehman, Wiese, and Cassity from the Committee; Brereton-NRCS; Van Berkel and Pohle-LCD. Peterson-WDS, Delaruelle-Baraboo News Republic and Susan Tatar. Borleske and Cummings were absent.

Adopt Agenda: Motion by Zowin/Cassity to adopt the agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.

Appearances: There were none.

Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting: Motion by Cassity/Zowin to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting on August 12. Motion carried, all in favor. Cassity questioned if a nutrient management plan will be required for all manure applications or only when applied to cropland. Van Berkel will check into this.

Training events: Motion by Zowin/Cassity to approve the list of training events. Motion carried, all in favor.

Bills: Bill summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Zowin/Lehman to approve bills in the amount of $61,220.21. Motion carried, all in favor.

Correspondence: Van Berkel received a Livestock Facility Siting Training Needs questionnaire along with a cover sheet summarizing the changes. Van Berkel reviewed the major changes from the earlier draft. Van Berkel has discussed the issue with Gurney from Planning and Zoning and both question why the county would take on this responsibility and issue permits. The required paperwork is burdensome, the county has no say in the rules, the fees are not allowed to cover expenses, and the likely result of any permit is going to be dissatisfaction on both sides of the issue. The alternative is to not issue any local permits for these large scale operations, other than an animal waste storage permit if needed. This policy will not limit the growth and development of new or expanded agricultural operations and would eliminate the need to administer a rule developed without local input and support. Committee endorsed this response and directed Van Berkel to complete the questionnaire to request more information that would explain why a county would want to participate.

Van Berkel responded to Lehman regarding cost-share money that may not be spent in the Narrows Creek-Little Baraboo River Watershed Project. Over $350,000 worth of cost shared practice installation was carried forward for installation this year. This funding can only be spent on specific projects that were submitted for an extension. If one of those projects should not be installed that money might not be spent.

Van Berkel informed the Committee that Sauk County did receive an additional $18,000 transfer from Menominee County for additional cost sharing on Land and Water Resource Management Program projects.

Reports: Brereton informed the LCC that the local work group will be preparing for the 2006 EQIP signups. They will review the scoring system and practices at their next meeting.

Brereton noted that the statewide EQIP animal waste storage signup will be held this fall, but the signup date has not been announced.

Brereton stated that nutrient management will not be a stand alone program in 2006 but will need to be part of a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan.

Brereton mentioned the problems with the NRCS national finance center being located in New Orleans. Due to the hurricane in New Orleans, EQIP payments may be delayed. A backup site is being set up in Philadelphia.

Stearns notified the Committee that Tom Powers won the Sauk County Tree Farm Award and also the southwest area award. Foresters are planning to recognize him at the next county board meeting.

Stearns stated that they are also in midst of the annual fall seed collection. There is a good acorn crop this year. The public can collect seeds and get paid for them, but they have already collected a lot of what is needed.

Stearns discussed the third annual Light on the Land field day sponsored by the Southwest Badger RC&D and DNR being held on October 7-8.

There was discussion on the dry conditions stressing trees, another fungus that has come up on white oak, and chestnut borers. Information has also been received that the Emerald Ash Borer has now been located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, not far from the Wisconsin border.

Review and Approval of 2006 Wildlife Damage Program Budget: Peterson presented the 2006 budget in the amount of $23,717.90 for administration and operation expenses. This amount is the allowed reimbursement to the county for program expenses. The level of participation is estimated to be steady with only a slight increase. Motion by Zowin/Cassity to approve $23,717.90 for the 2006 Wildlife Damage Program budget. Motion carried, all in favor.

Establishment of 2005 Wildlife Damage Crop Compensation Values: Peterson has not received the information necessary to establish the crop values. This will be an agenda item in October or November.

Discussion of Other Wildlife Issues in Sauk County: Peterson briefed the Committee about Bill Ishmael's huge time commitment with Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) duties. He also offered the possibility Ishamel will be able to come to a winter LCC meeting. Due to his lack of time to spend on other issues, Ishmael has been unable to work on habitat. He also reported that invasive species are taking a foothold in Sauk County and could greatly impact wildlife habitats in the future. Peterson reported that there has been an increase in bear activity in the county and the state wolf population will continue to be a livestock concern. DNR has also seen a great increase in the amount of trash being disposed of on DNR properties since the closure of the landfill.

The Committee discussed concerns with rural areas being abused for improper disposal of trash. They also discussed where the public can dispose of computers, microwaves, hazardous wastes, etc. Discussion focused on whether the county should play a role in providing this service. Committee requested the item be placed on the next agenda and that John Carroll from the Solid Waste Department be invited to attend to discuss the issue.

Approval of River Planning Grant for Otter Creek: Van Berkel informed the LCC that the LCD was awarded a grant to study Otter Creek. State money will offset about $7,800 for staffing costs, and $2,200 will reimburse mailings and other administrative costs. The Otter Creek area has severe flooding issues. The project would form an oversight committee, do some hydrologic studies to determine sources, and get the neighborhood together to discuss the results and what can be done. Then, if there are steps that fit into river management, the group could apply for additional grants. Motion by Cassity/Lehman to accept the money for the planning grant on Otter Creek. Motion carried, all in favor.

Approval of Revision of Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) to Add Towns: Van Berkel informed LCC that the towns of Fairfield, Greenfield, and Merrimac were approved by the national Farm Service Agency and the state to be added to a revised CREP contract with Sauk County. This revision also amends our spending authority on CREP contracts up to $1 million. Motion by Zowin/Wiese to approve the addition of the towns of Fairfield, Greenfield, and Merrimac to CREP and the funding. Motion carried, all in favor.

Consideration of Proposed Resolutions and By-Law Changes for Southern Area Association (SAA) of Land Conservation Committees October Meeting : Wiese reported on the SAA meeting held to update by-laws. One change is to raise the county membership fees from $50 to $100 per year. This increase is necessary to cover the costs of the bus for the summer tour, and poster contest and speaking contest expenses. They also will initiate a maximum reimbursement amount of $500 for the summer tour bus. The by-laws also clarifies that the chair of each LCC paying dues would serve on the SAA board. Voting rights at the area meeting would be assigned to the chair or to another individual if a written proxy is submitted.

More detailed information should be available before the next LCC meeting. Approval of the by-laws will be at the SAA October 13 meeting. Wiese will try and attend that meeting. Motion by Cassity/Zowin that Wiese be given authority to assign a proxy to attend SAA meetings as necessary. Motion carried, all in favor.

Motion to adjourn until October 5 at 9:00 a.m. by Cassity/Lehman at 11:15 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted: Kathy Zowin, Secretary