Land Conservation Committee Minutes

DATE: November 10, 2005

Meeting called to order by Chair Wiese at 9:05 a.m. It was certified that the requirements of the open meeting law have been met. Present were Lehman, Wiese, Borleske, and Cassity and from the Committee; Brereton-NRCS; Van Berkel and Pohle-LCD. Peterson-Wildlife Damage Services. Zowin and Cummings were absent.

Adopt Agenda: Motion by Borleske/Cassity to adopt the amended agenda. Motion carried, all in favor.

Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting: Motion by Cassity/Borleske to adopt the minutes of the regular LCC meeting on October 5. Motion carried, all in favor. Cassity requested an update on the budget situation in relation to the solid waste manager position and the future management of the landfill. Van Berkel explained that the proposed budget continues the position under the Environmental Resources Committee for 2006. He also stated that during 2006 the Environmental Resources Committee should offer the Board some future direction for meeting the long-term obligations at the solid waste site. Cassity emphasized the environmental obligations of the county and the fact that the Land Conservation Department was well equipped to meet those needs. Some direction in this area may need to come before the April Board restructuring. He urged Committee members to support this transfer to best meet the future environmental management obligations.

Public Comment: There was none.

Communications: Van Berkel distributed copies of the latest Thursday Notes.

Legislative Updates: Request to Support Aquatic Invasive Species Initiative - the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association (WLWCA) has asked Land Conservation Committees statewide to support this initiative. Aquatic invasives are not as big of a problem in Sauk County as some of the terrestrials but still a concern. Motion by Lehman/Borleske directing Van Berkel to draft a letter to legislators to support the Aquatic Invasive Species Initiative and the need for funding. Motion carried, all in favor.

Reports: Brereton reported that the enrollment period is open for the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program and Environmental Quality Incentives Program. Funding will be similar to last year.

Van Berkel informed the Committee that interviews for the Program Assistant position will be held on Friday, November 11.

Training events: Motion by Cassity/Borleske to approve the list of training events and also for approval of Lehman and Wiese to attend the WLWCA Annual Conference in December. Motion carried, all in favor.

Bills: Bill summaries were distributed to the Committee members. Motion by Borleske/Lehman to approve 2005 and 2006 bills in the total amount of $65,173.76. Motion carried, all in favor.

Establish 90% Harvest Date for Wildlife Damage Program: Peterson explained that the harvest date is established as the date when 90% of the county crops are harvested. The date is then used as a cutoff for the damage assesments from wildlife. December 1 has been set by neighboring counties. Motion by Lehman/Cassity to set December 1 as the 90% harvest date. Motion carried, all in favor.

Establish 2005 Crop Values for Wildlife Damage Program: Peterson presented the quarterly average crop prices to be used as a reference. Motion by Borleske/Lehman to approve the 2005 crop price values as follows: Alfalfa-$107.37/ton, alfalfa grass mix-$80/ton, corn-$1.95/bushel, soybeans-$5.77/bushel, and oats $1.55/bushel. Motion carried, all in favor.

Peterson discussed the concern of wolves. There is no lethal control for them due to court rulings. Committee discussed other wildlife issues in the county including coyotes, cranes, and others.

Review of Proposed Animal Waste Ordinance Revisions: Van Berkel reviewed six issues to obtain Committee direction on the approach to include in the ordinance. He will incorporate those recommendations into the next draft for the January LCC meeting.

Review of WLWCA Resolution Packet: Van Berkel presented the 15 resolutions that will be voted on at the WLWCA Conference in December. Many of them deal with the reorganization of the Wisconsin Land & Water Conservation Association. The committee reviewed each resolution and made recommendations for Wiese's voting at the Conference.

Review and Approval of Farmland Preservation Agreements-Marvin & Ruth Kruse, Robert & Marjorie Litscher: Motion by Cassity/Borleske to approve the Agreements for Marvin and Ruth Kruse and Robert and Majorie Litscher. Motion carried, all in favor.

Motion to adjourn until December 13 as a joint meeting with Planning & Zoning Committee by Borleske/Cassity at 11:40 a.m. Motion carried, all in favor.

Kathy Zowin, Secretary