Law Enforcement Committee
DATE: Thursday, April 14, 2005
TIME: 1:00pm
Rm. D102A
Law Enforcement Center
1300 Lange Court
Baraboo, WI 53913
- Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law
- Adopt
- Approve minutes of previous meeting(s)
- Communications:
- Department Grants
- Communications from department personnel
- Appearances:
- Presentation of Officer of the Month Award for February, 2005
- Presentation of award to Sauk County Communication
- Review and approval of March 2005, bills for Coroner and Sheriff's
- Discussion and motion on compensation for Sauk County Animal Shelter
- Discussion and possible approval of MIS Resolution to replace VisionAIR
server hardware, 2005 budgeted expenditure.
- Discussion and possible approval of MIS resolution to replace IDENTIX
fingerprint machine, 2005 budgeted expenditure.
- Discussion and possible approval of MIS resolution to purchase
a Crossmatch interface to interface the existing fingerprint
machine in the Historic Courthouse and the new machine in
the Sauk County Jail, 2005 budgeted expenditure.
- Discussion and motion on combining two half-time clerk positions
back into one full-time position and hours of work.
- Consideration and recommendation for funding Art Therapy classes
for jail inmates.
- Consideration and possible approval of Resolution to contract with
Consolidated Management for provision of inmate meals.
- 14. Sheriff's Report
- Jail Report
- Department Overtime Report
- Prisoner Transport Report
- Department personnel items
- Highway safety issues
- Triple III reports
- Adjournment to date specific
COPIES TO: County Clerk Fordham Montgomery Carlson
Tollaksen Sinklair Wenzel Wiegand
DATE MAILED: April 6 , 2005
PREPARED BY: Sauk County Sheriff's Office