Law Enforcement Committee

DATE: Thursday, April 14, 2005
TIME: 1:00pm
Rm. D102A
Law Enforcement Center
1300 Lange Court
Baraboo, WI 53913



  1. Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law
  2. Adopt Agenda
  3. Approve minutes of previous meeting(s)
  4. Communications:
    1. Department Grants
    2. Communications from department personnel
  5. Appearances:
    1. Presentation of Officer of the Month Award for February, 2005
    2. Presentation of award to Sauk County Communication Center
  6. Review and approval of March 2005, bills for Coroner and Sheriff's Department
  7. Discussion and motion on compensation for Sauk County Animal Shelter Director
  8. Discussion and possible approval of MIS Resolution to replace VisionAIR server hardware, 2005 budgeted expenditure.
  9. Discussion and possible approval of MIS resolution to replace IDENTIX fingerprint machine, 2005 budgeted expenditure.
  10. Discussion and possible approval of MIS resolution to purchase a Crossmatch interface to interface the existing fingerprint machine in the Historic Courthouse and the new machine in the Sauk County Jail, 2005 budgeted expenditure.
  11. Discussion and motion on combining two half-time clerk positions back into one full-time position and hours of work.
  12. Consideration and recommendation for funding Art Therapy classes for jail inmates.
  13. Consideration and possible approval of Resolution to contract with Consolidated Management for provision of inmate meals.
  14. 14. Sheriff's Report
    1. Jail Report
    2. Department Overtime Report
    3. Prisoner Transport Report
    4. Department personnel items
    5. Highway safety issues
    6. Triple III reports
  15. Adjournment to date specific

COPIES TO: County Clerk Fordham Montgomery Carlson Tollaksen Sinklair Wenzel Wiegand

DATE MAILED: April 6 , 2005

PREPARED BY: Sauk County Sheriff's Office