DATE: February 10, 2005
The regular meeting of the Sauk County Law Enforcement Committee was held on Thursday, February 10, 2005, at 10:30 A.M., in the Community Room, D102A, 1300 Lange Court, Baraboo, Wisconsin.
The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties were notified.
Members Present: Montgomery, Carlson, Fordham, Tollaksen, Sinklair
Members Excused:
Members Absent:
Others Present: R. Stammen; B. Hinze; M. Hafemann; L. Lee; S. Backeberg; J. Prantner; R. Meister; J. Bradley; T. Stephens; J. Johnson, Sauk Co. Humane Society; T. Liebman; J. Spencer; B. Manning
1. Call To Order and Certification of Open Meeting Law: The meeting was called to order and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was certified by Chair Charles Montgomery at 10:30 A.M.
2. Agenda: Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Fordham, to adopt the agenda.Motion Carried.
3. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s): Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Tollaksen, to approve the minutes of the regular Law Enforcement Committee meeting held on Thursday, January 13, 2005. Motion carried.
4. Communications:
A. Department Grants
1.) The 2005 tribal law enforcement grant has been received in the amount of $26,283.
2.) A request to the Office of Justice Assistance for the Jail Literacy Grant for the Sauk County Jail was denited. Captain Hafemann continues to work on funding sources for jail literacy needs.
3.) The Office of Justice Assistance has approved continued funding of a full time position to work on drug investigations. The grant provides $56,935 to fund the drug grant detective.
4.) According to information from the Attorney General's Office funding for drug grants will be cut by 50% due to loss of federal revenue. This will mean that the drug grant detective position could be dropped as of 12/31/95 due to lack of funding or Sauk County can join with other agencies to pool grant resources to continue the position or alternate sources of funding can be explored.
5.) The program from Brinks Security to used armored trucks to law enforcement agencies has provided an armored vehicle for use by the Sheriff's Department. The truck has already been delivered.
B. Communications from Department Personnel
1.) A letter of resignation from Stephanie Hartman was read. The letter was dated 12/16/04.
2.) This date Captain Hafemann received a call from jailor Ryan Gibbs. Gibbs, who started employment with the Sauk County Sheriff's Office on 12/14/04, stated he was resigning to accept employment as a patrol person with another agency.
C. Letters of Thanks
1.) A letter of thanks was received from the Lake Buckhorn Property Owners Association for assistance provided by the Sheriff's Department to resolve ongoing problems between the Association and the Constable for the Town of Delton, Robert Leitza.
2.) A letter of appreciation from the U.S. Secret Service was read. The letter was in regard to security provided on October 4, 2004 during the visit of President Bush to Richland County.
D. Letters of Complaint
1.) There were no letters of complaint received.
5. Appearances:
A. Linda Lee, an administrative clerk, was presented with the Employee of the Month Award for December, 2004. Lee did the most data entry of any of the clerks in 2004. In addition, in her capacity as the main receptionist for the Sheriff's Office, she has excellent customer service skills and an outstanding attitude. Captain Montgomery and Sheriff Stammen presented the award.
6. Review and Approval of December, 2004 and January 2005, bills for the Coroner and Sheriff's Department.
Coroner Hinze reported one bill from 2004 for vehicle fuel. She also stated that five autopsies were included in her January, 2005, bills.
Motion by Carlson, seconded by Tollaksen, to approve payment of the Coroner's December 2004 bill in the amount of $120.20 and the January 2005 expenses in the amount of $5,434.24 Motion carried. There were a number of December 2004, expenses for the Sheriff's Department, in addition to the January 2005 expenses.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Carlson, to approve payment of the Sheriff's Department's expenses for December 2004, in the amount of $35,048.39 and the January 2005, expenses in the amount of $92,493.70. Motion carried.
Chief Deputy Prantner said some 2004 revenues are still outstanding and based on estimates of expected payments he anticipated a return of approximately $452,697 to the general fund. The money comes from increased revenues and unspent salary and expense account monies.
7. Presentation of 2004 Year End Report for the Sauk County Animal Shelter.
Shelter Director Judy Johnson presented the year end figures to the committee. She said bite cases were up substantially over last year. Fordham asked if she knew what caused the increase. Johnson said many of the bite cases involved children who approached strange dogs and people who try to capture stray animals.
Johnson and another animal control worker both completed training in animal euthanasia which brings the number of trained persons to three. She also said the foster program had been expanded to provide off site foster care for animals awaiting adoption.
Motion by Carlson, seconded by Tollaksen, to accept the final 2004 report from the Sauk County Animal Shelter. Motion carried.
8. Possible closed session pursuant to Wis. Stat. S. 19.85(1)(g) conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written legal advise concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which is or is likely to become involved. Status update on Barnes v. Sauk County et. Al.:
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sinklair, to go into closed session.
Fordham Yes
Sinklair Yes
Montgomery Yes
Carlson Yes
Tollaksen Yes
9. Reconvene in Open Session: Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Fordham, to reconvene in open session.Motion carried.
10. Consideration of Disposition of Current Coroner's Vehicle: Captain Meister explained that he had done the specifications and request for bids for replacement of the Coroner's 1999 Expedition. At the instruction of Sheriff Stammen he had included two options in the bid request; request for price of a new vehicle with the trade of the 1999 Expedition and the price of a new vehicle after the trade of the 1997 Ford Explorer assigned to Detective Sergeant Joe Welsch. Sheriff Stammen explained that the 1999 Expedition used by the Coroner could be used as a replacement squad for the 1997 Ford Explorer which was scheduled for replacement in 2005. The Expedition would give Detective Sergeant Welsch the necessary cargo room needed for transport of the ERT medical supplies as well as the evidence processing materials that he carries as an evidence technician. The 1999 Expedition has 96,000 miles on it and has had front end work and other repairs in the recent past. If this were done it would eliminate the need to purchase a new detective vehicle this year.
If the committee agreed, the Sheriff's Department would purchase the 1999 Expedition from the Coroner. The amount paid for the Expedition would be the difference between the trade allowance offered for the 1999 Expedition by the successful bidder and the trade allowance for the 1997 Explorer. The 1997 Explorer would be traded in.
The bids for the Coroner's replacement vehicles were:
Glacier Valley Ford bid a 2005 Ford Expedition for:
$22,356 after trade of the 1999 Ford Expedition
$25,856 after trade of the 1997 Ford Explorer
Kayser of Madison (the state bid holder) bid a 2005 Ford Expedition for:
$24,719 after trade of the 1999 Ford Expedition
$27,719 after trade of the 1997 Ford Explorer
Koenecke Ford of Reedsburg bid a 2005 Ford Expedition for:
$23,103 after trade of the 1999 Ford Expedition
$26,103 after trade of the 1997 Ford Explorer
Don Larson of Baraboo bid a 2005 Chevrolet Suburban for:
$24,332 after trade of the 1999 Ford Expedition
$28,832 after trade of the 1997 Ford Expedition
Motion by Fordham, seconded by Carlson, to recommend acceptance of a bid from Glacier Valley Ford of Baraboo, the low bidder, for purchase of a 2005 Ford Expedition provided all bid specifications were met for a cost of $25,856 after trade of a 1997 Ford Explorer and to take a resolution to authorize that purchase to the Sauk County Board of Supervisors at the March, 2005, meeting. Motion carried.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Fordham, to authorize the Sheriff's Department to take appropriate steps to transfer money from the Sheriff's 2005 budget allocation for purchase of a replacement for the 1997 Ford Explorer detective squad to the Coroner's 2005 budget for purchase of the 1999 Ford Expedition in the amount of $3,500, that amount being the difference between the trade allowance for the 1999 Expedition and the 1997 Explorer in Glacier Valley's bid. Motion carried.
11. Consideration of Bids and Resolution to Purchase 2005 Transport Van: Captain Meister had solicited bids for purchase of a 2005 van to replace the 2000 Dodge Caravan used for prisoner transports. The vehicle being replaced has 239,000 miles on it. Meister also reported that one of the bids which was mailed was opened in error during the mail sorting and processing. The bid opened in error was the bid from Berning Motors in Reedsburg. The van bids had been requested either as a outright purchase or with the trade of the 2000 Dodge Caravan.
The bids were as follows:
Berning Motors of Reedsburg bid a 2005 Dodge Caravan for:
$19,754 for outright purchase
$19,000 after trade of the 2000 Dodge Caravan
Baraboo Motors of Baraboo for a 2005 Dodge Caravan for:
$20,207 after trade of the 2000 Dodge Caravan for a vehicle in stock
$18,214 after trade of the 2000 Dodge Caravan for an
order-out unit
Kayser of Madison (state bid) for a 2005 Dodge Caravan for:
$18,831 for outright purchase
$18,181 after trade of the 2000 Dodge Caravan
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Montgomery, to recommend acceptance of the bid from Baraboo Motors for the purchase of a 2005 order-out Dodge Caravan for a cost of $18,214 after trade of a 2000 Dodge Caravan provided all bid specifications are met and to take a resolution authorizing the purchase to the Sauk County Board of Supervisor at their meeting on March 15, 2005. Motion carried.
12. Consideration of Bids and Resolution to Purchase 2005 Marked Squad Cars: Captain Meister had solicited bids for 2005 Ford Crown Victoria police package squad cars. The 2005 Sheriff's budget allocation for vehicle replacement for marked squads and a detective vehicle was based on the purchase of eight marked squads. Captain Meister said the squad that had been assigned to Deputy Dadam who was deployed to active duty in Iraq last year had been largely unused for a number of months while a temporary replacement was being sought for him. As a result the number of miles on the vehicle was low enough that it could be used for another year rather than being traded in and replaced in 2005. The bids received were all for the purchase of eight vehicles with the trade of eight vehicles. The bids received were as follows:
Kayser Ford of Madison (state bid) for eight Ford Crown Victoria police package squads:
$164,760 out right purchase
$138,460 after trade of 8 used vehicles
Glacier Valley Ford of Baraboo for eight Ford Crown Victoria police package squads:
$139,800 after trade of 8 used vehicles
No outright purchase price given
Koenecke Ford of Reedsburg for eight Ford Crown Victoria police package squads:
$132,412 after trade of 8 used vehicles
No outright purchase price given
Based on the price for eight squads after trade the bid from Koenecke was $16,551.50 per car. Captain Meister contacted Koenecke Ford of Reedsburg to see if they would allow the same per vehicle price if only seven squads were purchased and seven squads traded. Meister reported that Koenecke would hold to the same per vehicle price but that their bid was only good until March 10, 2005, which necessitated taking the resolution to purchase the vehicles to the County Board of Supervisors at the February meeting.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Fordham, to recommend acceptance of the low bid of Koenecke Ford of Reedsburg for the purchase of seven Ford Crown Victoria police package squad cars for a total cost of $115,860.50 after the trade of seven used vehicles, and to take a resolution for Authorization to Purchase Seven Police Specification Squad Cars to the Sauk County Board of Supervisors at their meeting on February 16, 2005. Motion carried.
13. Discussion and Authorization to Accept Donations for Purchase of a Second Canine Report: Deputy Tyler Stephen had been asked to address the committee on this issue. Deputy Stephens has done a lot of work with Deputy Rupert and Boris in public appearances and demonstrations for service organizations and has volunteered to try to raise funds to purchase a second canine. Deputy Stephens, who's a life long resident of the Spring Green area, has been meeting with businesses and organizations in the Plain/Spring Green area to seek donations for another canine. The current dog, Boris, is still in active service but he may have only another two to three years of active duty because of his age. Besides the age of the dog, a second factor is the ever increasing calls for the canine. Captain Meister reported that Deputy Rupert and Boris are called into service during their off-duty time.
Deputy Stephens reported that he had received a donation from Kraemer Brothers of Plain for $2,000. Cardinal Glass IG and Cardinal Glass EG of Spring Green had each matched the donation of Kraemer Brothers, raising another $4,000. Another business in Spring Green had told Deputy Stephens they would donate $2,500 but when he returned later that afternoon to pick up the donation he was told that they had reconsidered and decided to give him a check for $5,000. They asked that there be no publicity about their donation as they wished to remain anonymous. The Spring Green Lions Club will be making a donation and the Baraboo Rotary Club has given $2,000. The Sauk County Tavern League has donated $2,500 and the Boys & Girls Club of Sauk County were so impressed by the demonstration given by Boris and Deputy Rupert at one of their meetings that they had raised $150 to give to the fund. Total donations are about $16,000 thus far.
Sheriff Stammen said this type of support is indicative of the commitment the community has in keeping the canine program going and of the importance placed on the contributions canines can make to law enforcement. It's projected that the purchase of a second dog and the training for the dog and handler would cost $14,000 initially. There is also the need to have a cage and concrete platform for housing the dog at the handler's residence, as well as ongoing costs for equipment and veterinary fees. The committee was supportive of the purchase of a second dog and commended Deputy Stephens for his work on the project.
14. Approval of Committee to Write Off Delinquent/Unpaid 2003 Civil Process Accounts: A total of $547.45 is considered uncollectible from the 2003 civil process accounts. The committee was told that the purpose of the write off is to clear the books. The accounts are never truly closed and if any delinquent payers come in with papers to be served any time in the future the delinquent accounts have to paid and subsequent paper service must be prepaid.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Fordham, to write off the 2003 unpaid accounts in the amount of $547.45. Motion carried.
15. Sheriff's Report:
A. Inmate Meal Report
In January, 2005, 17,916 inmate meals were served.
B. Department Overtime Report
The January, 2005, overtime was 849 hours of paid overtime and 664 hours of banked compensatory time. Supervisory overtime for January totaled 76 hours; 42 hours for holiday, 19 hours for investigation and 15 hours for training.
C. Prisoner Transport Program
There were 108 transports in January.
D. Jail Diversion Program
There were 402 inmate days in January for electronic monitoring. The breakdown of expenditures and income are:
$6,446.00 collected from inmates for the use of the electronic equipment
$2,194.44 paid out for the lease of the electronic equipment
$4,251.56 net gain
E. Housing Out-of-County Inmates
As of this date there are 237 inmates in custody; 13 on electronic monitoring, 95 in the Huber Center, 58 Sauk County inmates, 58 Dane County inmates; 8 Iowa County inmates and 5 Wood County inmates
The December, 2005, billings for housing out-of-county inmates were:
Dane County $60,321.00 for housing
Iowa County $12,428.00 for housing
TOTAL $72,749.00 (This amount contains no medical bills.)
Sheriff Stammen stated he had begun negotiations for inmate housing with Dane and Iowa County as instructed at the joint meeting on February 8th. He stated he had also talked to U.S. Marshal Fitzgerald about housing federal prisoners. All negotiations are related to the discussion on opening A Pod.
F. Department Personnel Issues:
The Circus Parade was discussed under this heading because of the impact on employees' days off and vacation requests. The Circus Parade will be held this year on June 25. There was a lengthy discussion concerning a request from the Baraboo Police Department for extra officers to assist with the parade and how to respond to requests for time off on June 25 by Sheriff's Department employees.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Carlson, that all vacation and time off requests received prior to February 10, 2005, which have been granted will be honored. No more vacations or time off requests will be approved for that date and the Sheriff is to notify the Baraboo Police Department that 24 staff persons would be provided to assist them with parade duties within the city; and further that the Sheriff is authorized to raise that figure if it didn't create an obstacle to handling all other necessary duties for the Sheriff's Department. Motion carried.
G. Highway Safety Issues
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation has determined that the traffic enforcement grants available to the Sauk County Sheriff's Department this year must be worked in the town of Troy and in the Town of Delton. A certain number of contacts would be required from each officer working the grants and failure to met those figures would result in the loss of the grants. Sheriff Stammen said he had appealed the conditions of the grants to allow wider areas to be worked but thus far no progress had been made. He said if the grant areas weren't widened he would have no choice but to decline the grants. He said another meeting was to be scheduled to discuss the issue.
H. Triple III Reports
A minor car/deer accident involving a squad was reported with only minor damage to the vehicle. An employee slipped on ice in the parking lot and pulled a muscle. No loss of work time resulted.
16. Adjourn To Date Specified: The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, March 10, 2005, at 9:30 AM.
The committee was served a meal by Consolidated Foodservice, the inmate meal provider. The meal was identical to the noon lunch served to the Sauk County Jail/Huber Center inmates on February 10, 2005.
Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Carlson, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Joan Fordham, Secretary
(minutes taken by B. Manning)
Joan Fordham