DATE: July 14, 2005
The regular meeting of the Sauk County Law Enforcement Committee was held
on Thursday, July 14, 2005, at 9:30 A.M., in the Community Room, D102A,
1300 Lange Court, Baraboo, Wisconsin.
The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties were notified.
Members Present: Carlson, Fordham, Tollaksen, Sinklair
Members Excused: Montgomery
Members Absent: NONE
Others Present: R. Stammen; B. Hinze; H. Weinke; W. Schneider, Sauk County Humane Society; J. Welsch; R. Meister , W. Wenzel; G. Wiegand; B. Manning
Deputy Weinke thanked Sheriff Stammen and Captain Meister for allowing him to assist other agencies who lose an officer, as well as being supportive of his activities for the Wisconsin COPS, the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Memorial fund raising programs and other activities. He stated he wouldn’t be able to participate in the programs and organizations without their support.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sinklair, to approve payment of the
June, 2005, bills in the amount of $3,674.45.
Motion carried unanimously.
There were no unusual items in the Sheriff’s bills.
Motion by Fordham, seconded by Tollaksen, to approve payment of the Sheriff’s
June, 2005, bills in the amount of $139,138.43.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sinklair, to approve the 2006 proposed
budget request of $99,953, and to refer the request to the Finance Committee.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sinklair, to approve the Coroner’s Mission
and Vision Statements.
Motion carried unanimously.
The committee was given a copy of the Sheriff’s Department’s Mission and Vision Statements, along with a draft copy of the 2006 budget proposal. The Sheriff asked the committee to review the draft budget at their leisure. The Sheriff’s Mission and Vision Statements are also the same as they’ve been the past several years.
Motion by Fordham, seconded by Sinklair, to approve the Mission and Vision
Statements for the Sauk County Sheriff’s Department.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Tollaksen, to approve the resolution
Authorizing Detective Sergeant Joseph Welsch to Attend Specialized Training
Protecting Children Online/Unit Commander Policy Training in Alexandria,
Virginia, and to take the resolution to the Sauk County Board of Supervisors
at the July 19th, 2005, meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion carried unanimously.
Sheriff Stammen reported the previous day, July 13, 2005, there were 249 inmates in custody, 11 on electronic monitoring; 95 in Huber; 35 Dane County inmates, 31 Rock County inmates; 1 Iowa County inmate; and 76 Sauk County inmates.
Sheriff Stammen said he had a second meeting scheduled with both Rock and Dane County regarding the opening of A Pod. There are no specific price discussions going on at present but he wanted the committee to know that there is no possibility of opening A Pod this year.
There were two more inmates who completed their GED’s while
in custody.
There were 378 days for electronic monitoring in June.
Inmate meals in June numbered 22,071.
There have been 10 to 12 inmates working at the landfill doing
clean up and maintenance. In addition inmates were used to clean
up the grounds after the 4th of July fireworks in Baraboo and
the Chamber of Commerce expressed appreciation for their help.
Out-of-county housing of inmates from Dane County, Rock County and Iowa County totaled $114,930.61 for June, bringing the year-to-date total to $568,327.32.
Sheriff Stammen informed the committee of the increasing contact between dispatchers and non-English speaking callers to the 911 Center. The department is addressing needs for training in basic Spanish for all divisions, due to the increasing cultural diversity of the population of Sauk County and the many tourists and visitors.
Deputy Joel Vodak’s squad windshield had to be replaced.
Deputy Dave Riedel’s squad car was keyed while at Koenecke
Ford for service. The vehicle received a 36-inch scratch.
Deputy Harold Weinke’s squad was vandalized while it was parked
at his residence in the City of Reedsburg.
Deputy Todd Bychinski’s squad car had the tires slashed while
it was parked at his residence in the City of Reedsburg.
Deputy Dale Hackbarth was scratched by barbed wire while he was in pursuit
of a suspect.
A window in the jail was cracked.
With the landfill closing ,the Landfill Committee was unanimously in
favor of giving the buildings and the parking lot to the Sheriff’s
Department. This would be an ideal place for training and for expanding
the range program. This will be further discussed with the Property
and Insurance committee.
There was a fatal car crash in June, bringing the total traffic fatalities
for the year to eight.
A young male died from injuries he suffered when he jumped off the
Highway 23 bridge near Spring Green into the Wisconsin River. The low
water at that location caused the fatal injuries.
There were 1,346 hours of paid overtime in June, 2005, and 419 hours of banked compensatory time, bringing the month’s total to 1,765. The Circus Parade accounted for 606 hours, 119 in compensatory time and 487 in paid overtime hours.
Sheriff Stammen said the Baraboo Police Department is planning on scaling down police presence for next year’s parade, if one is held.
For supervisory overtime, there were 84 hours worked on highway safety grants, 81 for the parade, 6 hours for a drug investigation and 33 hours of holiday pay.
There were 115 transports in June, bringing the year-to-date total to 718.
Oral Board examinations for jailor applicants are being scheduled.
Jail Sergeant Mary Ward’s last day of employment with Sauk county is August 6, 2005Jail Sergeant Mary Andrews has been on Family Medical Leave. She’s scheduled to return August 2, 2005.
Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Sinklair, to adjourn the meeting.
carried unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted: Joan Fordham, Secretary (minutes taken by B. Manning)