Law Enforcement Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: August 11, 2005

The regular meeting of the Sauk County Law Enforcement Committee was held on Thursday, August 11, 2005, at 9:30 A.M., in the Community Room, D102A, 1300 Lange Court, Baraboo, Wisconsin.

The meeting was properly posted and all interested parties were notified.

Members Present: Carlson, Fordham, Tollaksen, Sinklair, Montgomery

Members Excused: None

Members Absent: None

Others Present: R. Stammen; B. Hinze; M. Hafemann; R. Meister;
J. Prantner; T. Gruber; Wendy Schneider, Sauk County Humane Society

  1. Call To Order and Certification of Open Meeting Law: The meeting was called to order and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was certified by Chair Charlie Montgomery at 9:32 A.M.
  2. Agenda: Requested by R. Stammen to remove item #8 from agenda. Motion by Carlson, seconded by Tollaksen.
    Motion carried unanimously.
  3. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s): Motion by Montgomery, seconded by Tollaksen, to approve the minutes of the regular Law Enforcement Committee Meeting held on Thursday, July 14, 2005.
    Motion carried unanimously.
  4. Communications:
    1. Consolidated Food Service has had a change in vendor to Martin Brothers per their letter. No impact on Sheriff's Department.
    2. Establish a memorial for Diane Slaney with a monument with name plaque and tree.
    3. Reference News Release on Wayne Smith there is still no location on him.
    4. Letter from Sheriff Hamlin reference continuing contract for boarding. Discussion on the response letter and what it should contain. Decision made to change rates for negotiations to $55.00. Unable to renegotiate all rates due to A pod not being open at this time. Will not send letter to ADHOC committee at this time. All in agreement.
  5. Appearances:
    1. a. Presentation of Employee of the Month Award for June 2005.

      Leigh Willie was selected for her 29 ½ years of service to the Sheriff's Department, her work with Kops for Kids, and her work as Secretary/Treasurer for the Sauk County Law Enforcement Officers Association
    2. b. Wendy Schneider from the Sauk County Humane Society was present. She stated the Humane Society has a new board member, Diane Malis.
      July 2005 statistics
      • 2 animal neglect cases
      • 85 adoptions 122 intakes
      • 67 calls 12 bite cases.
      Co-op agreement with Reedsburg Police Department is working great.
  6. Review and approval of July, 2005, bills for Coroner and Sheriff's Department:

    Coroner Hinze reported there were two autopsies listed in her bills.

    Motion by Tollaksen, seconded by Carlson, to approve payment of the Coroner's July, 2005, bills in the amount of $2,661.61.
    Motion carried unanimously.

    Motion by Fordham, seconded by Sinklair, to approve payment of the Sheriff's July, 2005, bills in the amount of $108,690.72.
    Motion carried unanimously.

  7. Discussion and consideration of proposed 2006 Sheriff's and Coroner's budgets:

    Coroner's: Proposed Budget for 2006 of $103,798.00. Approximately two-thirds of the budget would be $68,000 in wages, which include a 4.75% increase for Coroner Hinze. Also included in the wages would be Deputy Coroner Mike Young's salary. The remainder of the budget would cover supplies, vehicle expenses and training. Betty stated that Mike Young would like to take a 5-day training course in Missouri which would increase the training budget from $250 to $800. The budget increase also reflects the 15% increase in health insurance.

    Motion by Carlson, seconded by Sinklair for consideration of Coroner's Budget.
    Motion carried unanimously.

    Sheriff's: J. Prantner advised the committee that there would be less than 1% increase in the budget when he included A pod in the budget. If A pod was not included in the budget there would be an increase of approximately $500,000.00 (approximately 4.6%). With A pod included there would be a levy increase of $92,492 which does not include the 10% reduction in health insurance. Originally 15% increase was budgeted for health insurance however, there was only a 5% increase. This difference would put the budget $70,000 under levy.

    1. Jail Assessment of $150,000 would not go in the budget, but would go to debt services.
    2. Human Services emailed J. Prantner to advise him there would be an increase from $42.50 an hour to $90.00 for 2006. There were no prior discussions to the department about this.

    Sheriff Stammen also advised the committee that as of January 1, 2006 one of the drug officer positions that were funded by grants will be cut due to a 60% budget cut.

    Motion by Carlson, seconded by Tollaksen for consideration of Sheriff's Budget.
    Motion carried unanimously.

  8. Removed from the Agenda
  9. Sheriff's Report:
    1. Jail Report

      There were 365 boarding days in July for electronic monitoring.

      $5,852.00 collected
      $1,980.00 paid for lease of equipment
      $3,872.00 balance

      Inmate meals in July numbered 21,301.

      1. Inmate boarding plus medical expenses for July billed to Dane County was $59,171.44; Iowa County was $988.00; Rock County was $47,346.56; bringing the year-to-date total for housing and medical expenses to $675,781.32 for the months of January through July 2005.

        At this time we are $250,000 over projection. Discussion on including Al Dippel in Finance on the e-mail reference the amount billed to other counties for housing.

      2. Limited Term Employee Fred Collar has completed his policy layout for the department and will be done within a couple days. Table of contents for policies was distributed to the committee.
      3. Programs Administrator T. Gruber advised the committee the current and future Jail programs.

        Current Programs

        • Art Therapy and Anger Management have been a success.
        • Huber inmates have been working at the landfill to help clean up.
        • Future Programs
        • Money Smart program
        • Victim Impact video
        Inmate Programs have been budgeted in the 2006 budget.
    2. Communication Center Report

      Todd Carlson started 10 weeks ago and as of August 8, 2005, he did not successfully complete his training and probationary period and as a result he was terminated.

      There is currently one opening in the Communications Center.

    3. Triple III Reports

      July 28, 2005 Deputy Rabata tripped on a log during a foot pursuit causing minor scrapes.

      July 29, 2005 Deputy Rupert while in Juneau County looking for a missing person out of Sauk attempted to jump a creek and fell and twisted his knee.

      August 8, 2005 Deputy Kowalke bruised his right little finger after the person arrested was kicking while in the squad car.

      August 9, 2005 Deputy Jailor L. Hanson slipped on some water. She is currently working a modified schedule.

    4. Highway Safety

      No fatalities in the month of July. Officers have spent 144 hours working grants for the month of July: 99 citations were issued, 66 warnings for speed, 180 traffic
      stops, and 178 written contacts. Most of the above statistics occurred on USH 12.
      Boat Patrol has been excellent this summer.
    5. Prisoner Transport Program

      There were 112 transport in July. Costs of housing juveniles in secure detention were $12,331.95. We transported at total of 9 juveniles in July.

      Captain Meister advised that one of the transport vans may have a transmission problem but that is being looked into at this time.

    6. Personnel Issues

      Sgt. Mary Ward has retired as of August 6, 2005. The position is now posted.

      Deputy Cory Frank is leaving on Military leave on August 20, 2005

      Jail Nurse Andy Gorsuch has resigned his position as of August 21, 2005.

    7. Department Overtime Report

      July 2005, overtime figures included 1,614.26 hours, 324.76 of which were banked as compensatory time and 1131.25 hours which were paid. There were 32 hours of supervisory overtime for the month of July.

  10. Adjournment to date specific: The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, September 8, 2005, at 9:30 A.M.

    Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Fordham to adjourn the meeting.
    Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted: Joan Fordham, Secretary
(Minutes taken by J. Fry)