Long Term Support Planning Committee Minutes

DATE: Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Members Present: John Earl, Gina Thill, Carol Jeffers, Betty Irwin, Marie Wanless, Bert Vaillancourt, Lisa Karau, Carie Pieper, Shell Lea Hainz, Barbara Walsh, Sue Hebel, Amy Peterson, Al Dippel, Charlotte Taylor

Members Absent: Alice Moyer, Barbara Hawley, William Orth, Dan Brattset

Call to Order and Certification of the Open Meeting Law: John Earl called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the open meeting law.

Adopt Agenda: Motion by Al Dippel, seconded by Betty Irwin to accept the agenda. Passed by unanimous vote.

Approval of December 1, 2004 Meeting Minutes: Motion by Bert Vaillancourt, seconded by Carol Jeffers to accept minutes. Passed by unanimous vote.

Introduce Alice Moyer to the Long Term Support Planning Committee as the representative for the developmentally disabled: Gina Thill, COP coordinator, reported that Alice Moyer will be representing the developmentally disabled population. Unfortunately, Alice was ill and unable to attend today. Mrs. Moyer will replace Marie Wanless who is leaving after 17 years of service. Marie motioned to accept nomination of Alice Moyer, seconded by Al Dippel. Passed by unanimous vote. Mrs. Moyer has been involved with programs and services for the developmentally disabled in Sauk County most of her life. She and her husband (recently deceased) have an adult child with Down's Syndrome and has been a strong advocate for him. She was also instrumental in recruiting VARC work services to Sauk County.

Thill also introduced Barbara Walsh who will be the representative for public and home health. Ms. Walsh has worked in the health care field for 20 years. She is employed by Sauk County Nursing and Public Health Department. We welcome Barb and Alice.

2005 COP Plan Update: Gina Thill presented the 2005 COP Plan Update to the committee. Copies were distributed to committee members. The update is a summary of COP and COP-waiver services provided to consumers in 2004. Hebel reviewed the case management capacity report which compared total case management hours available with total case management hours needed for Sauk County.

Thill also discussed the automated Long Term Care Functional Screen, life lease nursing home slots, and policies that were approved by the committee in 2004. Motion by Bert Vaillancourt, second by Al Dippel to approve the 2005 COP Plan Update. Passed by unanimous vote.

COP High Cost Request: No COP High Cost requests for the committee were approved.

2005 Meeting Schedule:
May 11, 2005 @ 1 p.m.

September 14, 2005 @ 1 p.m.

November 16, 2005 @ 1 p.m.

Motion by Bert Vaillancourt, seconded by Betty Irwin to approve the 2005 meeting schedule. Passed by unanimous vote.

Public Comment: John Earl discussed recommendations of the Sauk County Health Care Center Ad Hoc Committee. Resolutions were prepared for the full county board action on February 15, 2005. The Ad Hoc committee decided that the Sauk County Health Care Center should continue to be operated by the county.

Adjournment: Motion by Vaillancourt, second by Wanless to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously.

SUBMITTED BY: Sue Hebel, Long Term Support Supervisor, Sauk County Department of Human Services