Members Present: John Earl, Gina Thill, Trish Vandre, Betty Irwin, Barbara Walsh, Barbara Hawley, Bert Vaillancourt, Sue Hebel, Lisa Karau, Al Dippel, Charlotte Taylor, Dan Brattset
Members Absent: Alice Moyer, Carie Pieper, Amy Peterson, Shell Lea Hainz
Earl called the meeting to order and certified compliance with the open meeting law.
Motion by Dippel, seconded by Vaillancourt to
accept the agenda.
Passed by unanimous vote.
Approval of October 12, 2005 Meeting Minutes: Motion by Irwin,
seconded by Barbara Walsh to accept minutes.
Passed by unanimous
Thill reported that the waiting list subcommittee met on several occasions and worked to revise the waiting list policy in order to better encompass all LTS programs and potential match funding sources. Policy titled "Community Options" Waiting List. The provisional policy was distributed and reviewed with members. Corrections were made and noted. Motion by Taylor, seconded by Vaillancourt to accept Community Options Waiting List as a provisional policy with the changes. Earl commented that the policy is statute drive and seems to show a big attempt to be fair.
Hebel discussed the Community Relocation Initiative program for persons with developmental disabilities and who are elderly. The program is set up to provide funding under the MA Waiver Program for persons who have resided in a nursing home for more than 100 days. Funds will be approved by the Bureau of Aging and Long Term Support on a per person basis.
Thill reviewed expired terms coming up. We will need a replacement representing children's programs currently occupied by Amy Peterson. The committee will also need a new nursing home representative to replace Charlotte Taylor. We will need replacement also for home care representative, Shell Lee Hainz. The committee also needs representatives from the Alzheimer's and AODA target groups. Both county board positions will be vacated in April 2006. These are currently occupied by Earl and Dippel.
Thill also asked for suggestions from committee as to other potential members such as representatives from assisted living facilities, representatives from an agency like Community Action or Renewal Unlimited and representatives from young families receiving services for children.
Scheduled for Wednesday, February 15, 2006 at 1 p.m. in the Reedsburg office.
Motion by Dippel, seconded by Irwin to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted by: Sue Hebel, Long Term Support Supervisor, 11/21/05