Personnel Committee - Minutes

DATE: Friday, September 9, 2005 - Room 213


Members present: T. Meister C. Montgomery, T. Bychinski Absent: S. Alexander and P. Tollaksen

Others Present: M. Koehler, J. Briggs, J. Evenson, R. Meister, C. Jones, R. Stodola, D. Zeller, P. Rego, L. Hollett


The meeting was called to order by T. Meister at 8:15 a.m. and was certified to be in compliance with the Open Meetings Law.


Motion by C. Montgomery, second by T. Bychinski, to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.


Motion by T. Bychinski, second by C. Montgomery to approve the August 12, 2005, minutes as distributed.
Motion carried.




The Honorable James Evenson, Sauk County Circuit - Branch II, appeared before the Personnel Committee to request reconsideration of an hourly increase for the Circuit Court Law Interns. It has been eleven years since the intern position last received an increase. Due to the responsibilities of the position it is essential to hire the most qualified applicants for the position. The interns are law students from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and commute to the County Courthouse for their employment. Rising gas prices and the overall increase in the cost of living make it necessary to increase the hourly rate if the County wishes to maintain quality interns. Last year only eight qualified applicants applied compared to an average of thirty in prior years. Motion by T. Bychinski, second by C. Montgomery to authorize an increase in the hourly rate of the Circuit Court Law Interns to $15.00 (fifteen) dollars per hour effective January 1, 2006.
Motion carried.


S. Koenig, Parks Director has requested an increase in the hourly compensation for the seasonal parks employees. Currently the seasonal employees receive $8.25 per hour for their first year of employment, $8.50 per hour if they are returning for a second season and $8.75 per hour for a third or subsequent seasons. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by T. Bychinski to approve a 2006 hourly increase for the seasonal park employees of: First year - $8.50, Second year - 8.75, Third and subsequent years $9.00 per hour.
Motion carried.


Captain R. Meister of the Sauk County Sheriff's Department appeared before the Committee to request an extension of a Limited Term Employee in the Telecommunications Unit. The need for the LTE is as a result of a regular full-time employee being deployed to serve in the military. M. Koehler explained to the Committee the specific issues both contractually and by County Ordinance in extending a Limited Term Employee for this length of time. Captain Meister anticipates the extension should not go beyond December of this year. Motion by C. Montgomery, second by T. Bychinski to authorize the position currently filled by S. Simonds to continue as a Part-time, Project position without benefits.
Motion carried.


Grievance # 49: Posting Grievance - M. Koehler provided a brief summary to the Committee regarding the events surrounding the grievance. The Human Services Outpatient unit had an authorized full-time vacant Psychiatric Nurse position which they wished to fill. The Personnel Department did an internal posting of the position and received two in-house applications. Both applicants met the base requirments for the position. The position was awarded to the most senior member of the bargaining unit. The Union contends the position should not have been awarded on the basis of seniority. Grievant, L. Hollett and Business Representative, R. Stodola spoke on behalf of the union's position, that "the less senior applicant is more qualified for the position" therefore the applicants were not relatively equal, so seniority should be disregarded.

Grievance # 50: On Call Pay. D. Zeller spoke to clarify the issues of the grievance. There are actually two elements to the grievance, 1. "Beeper Pay" and 2. "On Call Pay". Zeller stated during the negotiations and subsequent mediation an agreement had been reached that were would be no retroactive payment to employees for "per call" pay but the union believes there should be retroactive pay carrying the beeper "daily On Call pay of $22.50.

M. Koehler stated the understanding of the County is retroactive pay was to be back to the date of ratification of the contract , rather than the life of the agreement, based upon the Mediator's summary notes of the mediation.

Chair T. Meister thanked the employees and Union representation for their time and stated the Personnel Director would notify the Union of the Committee's determinations of both grievances.


Motion by C. Montgomery, second by T. Bychinski to enter into closed session pursuant to Wis. Stat. 19.85 (1) (f) for the purpose of considering financial, medical, social or personal histories of disciplinary data of specific person, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific person except where par. (b) applies which, if disused in public, would be likely to have a a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved in such problems or investigations. Roll call vote was taken: Meister - Aye, Montgomery - Aye, Bychinski - Aye.
Motion carried.


Motion by C. Montgomery, second by T. Bychinski to reconvene in open session.
Motion carried.


Motion by C. Montgomery, second by T. Bychinski to deny grievances #49 On Call Provisions and #50 Posting, of the United Professionals, SEIU, District 1199W.


M. Koehler presented a report to the Committee regarding the past month's department activities, including recruitments, unemployment expenses, leaves of absence and EAP utilization, as well as an update regarding the 2006 budget process. $5,000.00 has been charged to the Personnel Department for the Health Care Center Kronos upgrade.

M. Koehler provided the Committee with a report on the activities of the HCC Personnel Office in the absence of K. Pope including recruitments, unemployment expenses, and leaves of absence.

Expenditures for the month of August were presented in the amount of $ 3,657.83. Motion by T. Bychinski, second by C. Montgomery to approve the vouchers and departmental updates as presented.
Motion carried.

Motion by T. Bychinski, second by C. Montgomery to adjourn with the next regular meeting to be held Friday, October 7, 2005, at 8:15 a.m.
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Signed by: Peter Tollaksen, Secretary