Public Health Board

DATE: Wednesday, September 14, 2005
TIME: Approximately 6:00 p.m. The Board of Health will convene as a separate committee immediately following a joint committee meeting with the Executive & Legislative Committee at 5:30 pm.
ETN Room
Sauk County West Square Building
505 Broadway Street
Baraboo, WI 53913

  1. Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
  2. Adopt Agenda
  3. Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting
  4. Communications
  5. Business Items
    1. Further discussion regarding Long Term Goal in Budget of becoming Agents of the State
    2. Possible approval of the 2006 Public Health Department Budget
  6. Departmental Updates:
    1. Monthly Reports
    2. Review Vouchers for July
    3. Possible approval of applying for EIDP funding
    4. Possible approval to hire an LTD for Mini grant.
    5. Report from Lowell - WALHDAB Legislative issues
  7. Next Meeting
  8. Adjournment

COPIES TO: County Clerk Earl Haugen Schlender Young Wiegand White Kreigl Hannah Liebman Clement

DATE NOTICE MAILED: September 1, 2005

PREPARED BY: Public Health