DATE: Wednesday, February 9, 2005
Present: Earl, Schlender, White, Haugen, Clement
Absent: Kriegl, Midthun
Also Present: Bodendein, Konkel, Lally, Muhlenbeck
Meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. By Earl and compliance with the open meeting law was noted.
Moved by Clement, seconded by Schlender to adopt the agenda with the addition under "Business Items" Possible appearance by Judy Spring, with the Sauk County Tobacco Free Coalition. Motion carried.
Moved by Clement, seconded by Schlender to approve the minutes of the December 8, 2004 meeting. Motion carried.
Muhlenbeck handed out three documents:
Epi Express
2004 Teen birth rates for Sauk County
2004 STD rates for Sauk County
Judy Spring did not attend the meeting, will try to contact her and put her on next months agenda.
A. Moved by Haugen, seconded by White to accept the monthly reports. Motion carried.
B. Moved by Haugen, seconded by Schlender to approve the December vouchers totaling $74,831.26 and January vouchers totaling $16,639.49. Motion carried.
C. Considerable discussion followed regarding the next step in the County becoming Agents of the State for Hotel and Restaurant Inspections. Muhlenbeck handed out the most recent draft of the ordinances from Corp. Counsel. Muhlenbeck tried to find other fee structure options taking into consideration the small establishments and what the 25% increase would mean to them. There does not appear to be a equitable way of trying to structure a fee schedule to address their concerns. Another option Muhlenbeck and Lally introduced was to take the inspections of Bed and Breakfasts, Vending Machines, Taverns and campgrounds that are not being inspected now on a yearly basis to begin the process of becoming full agents of the State for the whole program. This would allow the Health Department to begin small and to get the preliminaries and policies in place before tackling the whole program. It is not known if the Division of Health would be interested in having a County doing part of it in the beginning and later taking all of the program. Columbia County is also interested in this avenue. The Board gave direction to Muhlenbeck to contact the Division of Health with the suggestion of doing part of the program at the beginning with the intention of fully implementing the program in a year or so. The Board also wants to continue to work on refining the ordinances and making sure all of the changes were made that the Board requested.
D. Lally educated the Board on the new Transient Well Program. The program seems to be starting well. The original grant was for 400 wells, but Lally feels there will be many more because the program was not being done properly by the DNR.
Lally also discussed the new Wild and Dangerous Animal Ordinance. Because it is such a new program, there are many policies and procedures and changes to the ordinance that need to be done to make it workable. Muhlenbeck and Lally will be working on forms and meeting with Corp. Counsel and the Sheriff's dept. To get this accomplished. The Health Department was designated to do the inspections so staff need to get educated as to what to look for during the inspections.
E. Haugen gave the Board a WALHDAB/legislative report.
Next meeting is scheduled for 3/12/05 at 6 p.m.
Moved by Clement, seconded by Schlender to adjourn. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted
Rose White, Secretary