Public Health Board Meeting Minutes

Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Place: ETN Room

Present: Earl, Schlender, White, Haugen, Midthun, Kriegl, Clement

Absent:: None

Also Present: Stu Hannah, Konkel, Bodendein, Muhlenbeck

Meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by Earl, and compliance with the open meeting law was noted.

Moved by Haugen, seconded by Clement to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.

Moved by White, seconded by Midthun to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
Motion carried.


Muhlenbeck handed out three position papers entitled: "Sexual and Reproductive Rights", "Minors Seeking reproductive Health Care", and "Public Education and Access to Emergency Contraception". These position papers are supported by WALHDAB (Wisconsin Association of Local Health Departments and Boards) and WPHA (Wisconsin Public Health Association). These three position papers will be put on Board of Health Agenda next month to seek support from the Board of Health.


There were no business items


  1. Moved by Clement, seconded by White to add the monthly reports to the minutes of the meeting. It was noted that the Home Care program continues to have more revenues than expenditures. Motion carried.
  2. Moved by White, seconded by Clement to approve the vouchers totaling $69,229.50. Motion carried.
  3. Muhlenbeck explained that she met with Greg Pallaske and Mary Young regarding Mini Contracts for licensed establishments in Sauk County that were low risk establishments. Muhlenbeck pointed out that there were 233 establishments rather than 104. Considerable discussion followed. Muhlenbeck informed the Board that Todd Liebman has a copy of the proposed state contract. The Board asked to put on the agenda next month an action item to vote if we should go ahead with this program.
  4. Muhlenbeck informed the board that in Wisconsin Statutes 252.06 (5) that states: "The local health officer shall employ as many persons as are necessary to execute his or her orders and properly guard any place if quarantine or other restrictions on communicable disease are violated or intent to violate is manifested. These persons shall be sworn in as quarantine guards, shall have police powers, and may use all necessary means to enforce the state laws for the prevention and control of communicable diseases, or the orders and rules of the department or any local health officer." Considerable discussion followed. Muhlenbeck also informed the Board that she gave this wording to Corp. Counsel to further explain what the procedures would be in it became necessary in Sauk County to use this authority. Muhlenbeck will keep the Board informed as she receives further direction from Corp. Counsel.

Haugen reported on WALHDAB legislative issues and other WALHDAB issues.

Next Board of health meeting is scheduled for 6/8/2005.

Moved by White, seconded by Haugen to adjourn.
Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Rose White, secretary