Public Health Board Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday, July
13, 2005
ETN Room
Present: Earl, Schlender, White, Haugen, Hannah
Absent: Kriegl, Clement
Also Present: Muhlenbeck, Bodendein, Konkel, Barbara Fellah
Meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by Earl and compliance with the open
meeting law was noted.
Moved by White, seconded by Haugen to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.
Moved by White, seconded by Schlender to approve the minutes of the June 8,
2005 meeting.
Motion carried.
COMMUNICATIONS: Muhlenbeck handed out a document entitled "Paying a
Premium" regarding the reason why the cost of health care keeps increasing.
Muhlenbeck also gave the Board a letter to Mr. Jeff Kozlowski, explaining the
need for liability insurance and a Bond in order to be permitted to have Tigers
and Lions in Sauk County.
BUSINESS ITEMS: There were no business items.
- Moved by Haugen, seconded by Schlender to add the monthly reports to the
minutes of the meeting. It was noted that Home Care continues to have more
revenues per month than expenditures.
Motion carried.
- Moved by Schlender, seconded by Hannah to approve the vouchers for June,
2005 totaling $38,549.68. Motion carried.
- There was considerable discussion regarding the Mission, Vision, Goals
and Performance Measurements, of the Health Department, for the 2006 budget.
The Board helped Muhlenbeck set goals for 2006. Moved by Haugen, seconded
by Hannah to accept the Mission, Vision, Goals and Performance measurements
for the 2006 budget with the changes.
Motion carried.
Muhlenbeck will get the changes to Wiegand.
- Bodendein explained to the Board that with the increased caseload in Home
Care, the time we contracted with Human Services for a psychiatric nurse
needs to be discontinued and the nurse needs to come back full time to Home
Care. Human Services have a position in their budget to hire a psychiatric
nurse, so they will fill that position.
- There was considerable discussion regarding the possible support by the
Board of Health of three resolutions that the State WALHDAB voted to support
regarding "Sexual and Reproductive Rights", "Minors Seeking reproductive
Health Care, and "Access to Emergency Contraception". Moved by Hannah, seconded
by Haugen to table the issue till next month because not all of the Board
had read the resolutions.
Motion carried.
- Lowell had nothing to report.
Next Board of Health meeting was set for 8/10/05 and 6 p.m.
Moved by Schlender, seconded by Haugen to adjourn.
Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted: Rose White, Secretary