Public Health Board Meeting Minutes

DATE: Wednesday, September, 14, 2005
County Board Gallery Room

Present: Earl, Schlender, White, Haugen, Hannah, Kriegl, Clement

Absent: None

Also Present: Muhlenbeck, Bodendein, Konkel, Fellah, Edgewood Students

Meeting was called to order at approximately 7 p.m. by Earl and compliance with the open meeting law was noted.

Moved by Hannah, seconded by White to adopt the agenda.
Motion carried.

Moved by White, seconded by Schlender to adopt the minutes of the previous meeting.
Motion carried.


There were no communications.


Discussion regarding the long Term Goal in the 2006 budget of becoming full Agents of the State for Licensing program for health and recreational activities. It was decided to leave the goal as set for 2007. It was pointed out that this is just a goal, not a firm commitment.

Moved by White, seconded by Hannah to approve the 2006 Public Health Department Budget as presented to finance committee, making sure the Long Term Goal for becoming full Agents of the State for Licensing is set for 2007. Motion carried with 6 ayes and 1 nay.


  1. Moved by Clement, seconded by Schlender to add the monthly reports to the minutes of the meeting. Motion carried.
  2. Moved by Rose, seconded by Clement to approve the August 2005 vouchers totaling $50,335.90. Motion carried.
  3. Moved by White, seconded by Clement to approve the Health Department apply for EIDP funding totaling $2,250. Motion carried with 6 ayes and 1 nay.
  4. Moved by Hannah, seconded by Schlender to approve hiring an LTD to work on the Mini Grant inspection program. Position will be funded by Grant dollars. Motion carried.
  5. Report from Haugen regarding the Wisconsin Association of Local Health Department and Boards. Discussion regarding a bill to allow unpasturized milk be sold in Wisconsin, and another bill exempting pot lucks from inspections.
  6. Moved by Hannah, seconded by Kriegl to approve appointment of Melissa Delmore as acting Bioterrorism Project Coordinator during the call up to active duty of Walter Clark. Motion carried.

Next Public Health Board meeting is scheduled for 10/12/05 at 6 p.m.

Moved by Schlender, seconded by Clement to adjourn.
Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Rose White, Secretary