Public Health Board Meeting Minutes

DATE: Wednesday, October 12, 2005
ETN Room

Present: Earl, Schlender, White, Haugen, Hannah, Clement

Absent: Kriegl

Also Present: Bedendein, Konkel, Muhlenbeck

Meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM by Earl and compliance with the open meeting law was noted.

Moved by Clement, seconded by Haugen to adopt the agenda with two changes under "Departmental Updates"

  1. Change "Review Vouchers for July" to "Review Vouchers for September"
  2. Eliminate "Appearance by Judy Spring".
    Motion carried.

Moved by White, seconded by Haugen to approve the minutes of the Sauk County Board of Health Meeting Minutes and the Joint meeting of Executive & Legislative Committee & Public Health Board for September 14, 2005.
Motion Carried.


Muhlenbeck handed out the "Smoke Free Newsletter" to the citizen members of the Board. Handouts were given to the Board regarding" 1) Sauk County WIC Annual Report, 2) Sauk County Coalition for a Fit and Healthy Community.


There were no business items to discuss


  1. Muhlenbeck handed out a new Communicable disease report for Sauk County and for the State. Moved by Schlender, seconded by Hannah to add the monthly reports to the minutes of the meeting.
    Motion carried.
  2. Moved by Haugen, seconded by Clement to approve the September 2005 vouchers totaling $36,720.02.
    Motion carried.
  3. Haugen reported on WALHDAB legislative issues. He also reported on the Health Departments 140 Review from the State. The Health Department had a very good review with not deficiencies.

Next Public Health Board meeting is scheduled for 11/9/05.

Moved by Schlender, seconded by Clement to adjourn.
Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted : Rose White, Secretary