DATE: Monday, April 4, 2005
TIME: 8:00 a.m.
PLACE: Sauk County Courthouse
510 Broadway, EMBS Meeting Room, 1st floor of Courthouse, Room C128
Baraboo, Wisconsin 53913
1. Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law
2. Adopt agenda
3. Adopt minutes of previous meeting
4. Public Comment
5.. Communications
A. Request from Sauk County Art Association to use Courthouse square lawn for Annual Summer Art Classic on August 13, 2005 from 6:00 am - 6:00 pm, to set up booth spaces the day before and permission to use the restrooms in the Courthouse building for the artists.
B. Request from City of Baraboo Police to utilize southern half of the West Square parking lot on June 25, 2005 to provide additional handicapped parking during the Great Circus Parade.
6. Business items
a. Treasurer's Report
7. Departmental Updates - Risk Management (Carl Gruber)
a. Monthly Report
b. Review and Approval of Deductibles
Departmental Updates - Buildings & Safety (Tim Stieve)
a. Monthly Report
b. Review and Approval of Vouchers
8. Next Meeting
9. Adjournment
Hartje Dippel Krueger Zowin Volz Stieve
Gruber Wiegand Web Liaison Co Clerk News Media Hendee
DATE NOTICE MAILED: March 29, 2005
PREPARED BY: Emergency Management, Buildings & Safety Department
NOTE: Any person who has a qualifying disability that requires the meeting or materials at the meeting to be in an accessible location or format should contact Sauk County at (608) 355-3269, or TTY at (608) 355-3490, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday, exclusive of legal holidays, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting so that reasonable arrangements can be made to accommodate each request.