Property & Insurance Committee Agenda

DATE: Monday, November 7, 2005
510 Broadway
EMBS Meeting Room
1st floor of Courthouse
Room C128
Baraboo, Wisconsin 53913



  1. Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law
  2. Adopt agenda
  3. Adopt minutes of previous meeting
  4. Public Comment
  5. Communications
    1. None
  6. Business items
    1. Treasurer's Report - Tax deed property
    2. Request by the Animal Shelter Coordinator, Wendy Schneider, to have a fence erected between the parking area and the south lawn adjoining Hwy 136.
    3. Discuss and take action on Revocable License Agreement with Northern Natural Gas Co.
    4. Senior Center and Renewal Unlimited to discuss possibility of a land purchase near the Highway Shop.
    5. Discussion and possible resolution on renewal of building space leases with USDA and DNR Forester.
    6. Family Court Commissioner Leo Grill regarding Room Use Policy.
    7. Appearance by Interim Administrative Coordinator.
  7. Departmental Updates - Risk Management (Carl Gruber)
    1. Monthly Report
    2. Review and Approval of Deductibles
    3. Present Resolution on Approving Liability, Property and Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage, Carriers and Premiums for Sauk County from January 1, 2006 to January 1, 2007.
  8. Departmental Updates - Buildings & Safety (Tim Stieve)
    1. Monthly Report
    2. Review and Approval of Vouchers
    3. Discuss and approve resolution to purchase Carpet.
    4. Discuss waste collection services and purchase of trash compactor.
  9. 9. Next Meeting
  10. 10. Adjourn.

COPIES TO: Hartje Dippel Krueger Zowin Volz Stieve Gruber Schauf Web Liaison Co Clerk News Media Hendee Carignan Liebman Schneider Grill

DATE NOTICE MAILED: November 1, 2005

PREPARED BY: Emergency Management, Buildings & Safety Department