Property & Insurance Committee Meeting Minutes
DATE: July 11, 2005
Members Present: Virgil Hartje, Al Dippel, Marty Krueger,
Katherine Zowin, Larry Volz
Others Present: Timothy Stieve, James Daniels, Judge
Evenson, Carl Gruber, Cynthia Engelhardt, Ann Burton
- Meeting called to order by Hartje at 7:30 a.m. Certification
of compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
- Adopt agenda: Motion by Dippel, second Zowin to
approve agenda. Carried.
- Adopt minutes: Motion by Volz, second Dippel to
approve last month's minutes. Carried.
- Public Comment - none
- Communications - none
- Business Items
- Treasurer's Report - Ann Burton reported that of
the 27 letters mailed regarding the offer to purchase
properties in Township of Dellona, 10 replies have
been received, with 1 decline.
Burton also discussed the processes of taking
tax deeded properties.
- James Daniels gave a breakdown of the 3 bids received
for the filing system/furniture for the move of Probate
to the Law Library area. Judge Evenson stated there
is money for this project, per the County Administrator.
It was suggested at this time to authorize the move
and then further pricing can be obtained. Motion by
Zowin, second by Krueger to approve the move, with
an amount not to exceed $53,384.00.
- Departmental Updates - Carl Gruber, Risk Management
- Monthly Report - Worked on liability cases with
mowers/trucks; performed hearing exams at Sheriff's;
attended HCC Safety Committee meeting; ordered safety
supplies; worked on workers' comp case going to Administrative
Law Judge; continued work on lift training at HCC;
worked on 6 workers' comp cases and on 2 open liability
cases; updated OSHA 300 logs; replaced defibrillator
pads; worked on HCC duplex claim; got respirator physicals
review, blood work done at Highway; finished membership
work for Wellness Council; attended meeting with summer
help for Parks and new hires at Highway; spoke with
State Patrolman Highway Shop signage when work done
on roadways; ordered safety guides for COA and clarified
use of Aging van for convention in Baraboo.
- Review and approve deductibles -- Motion by Zowin,
second by Dippel to approve 3 deductibles totalling
Departmental Updates - Tim Stieve, Buildings & Safety
- Monthly Report -- Spent approximately 9 hours on
phone problems, adds and changes; handled several problems
at the Law Enforcement Center after July 3 storm damaged
several cameras and pieces of video visitation and
video arraignment equipment; carpeting scheduled for
July 19 & 20 to complete first floor remodel; starting
on carpet repairs, replacements in both Courthouse
and West Square.
- Review and approval of vouchers - Motion by Krueger,
second by Zowin to approve monthly vouchers totaling
Stieve said one of Building Services staff has been
shifted over to the Jail temporarily and reminded Committee
that if the Jail becomes fully opened it will require
another staff person.
Next year's budget has been reviewed and is due August
1. Stieve has submitted to the Capital Improvements Team,
the refurbishment of the clock tower.
MIS is working on an automated work order system.
- Next Meeting: Monday, August 8, 2005 at 7:30 a.m.
- Meeting adjourned at 9:15 a.m. Motion by Krueger, second
by Volz.
Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt, July 11,