Property & Insurance Committee Meeting Minutes
November 7, 2005
Members Present: Virgil Hartje, Al Dippel, Marty Krueger, Larry Volz
Others Present: Timothy Stieve, Carl Gruber, Cynthia
Engelhardt, Pat Carignan, Kathy Schauf, Leo Grill, Chad Handee, Wendy Schneider
of Humane Society
- Meeting called to order by Hartje at 7:30 a.m. Certification of
compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
- Adopt Agenda: Motion by Volz, second by Dippel to approve
agenda. Carried.
- Adopt minutes: Motion by Dippel, second by Volz to approve
last month’s minutes.Carried.
- Public Comment - none
- Communications - none
- Business Items
- Treasurer’s Report - Ann Burton reported on
status of Dellwood properties. Letters have again been sent to those who
have not yet responded. There is a tax deeded property in Town of Excelsior
which John Carroll would like to report on at next month’s meeting,
after property is examined. Treasurer Carigan reported that
no money has been received yet from Bible Baptist Church
in Reedsburg. Motion by Hartje, second by Dippel authorizing Treasurer
to draft a letter giving the Church a deadline to pay the taxes by
the end of this year. If not paid, the tax deed process will proceed.
- Wendy Schneider of the Humane Society requested a chain link
fence be erected between the parking area and the south
lawn adjoining Hwy 136, which would include a holding
pen. This will allow for more exercise and will be safer.
Pricing came in at $4,400 and Schneider told the Committee
that this money will be donated. Motion by Dippel, second by Krueger
to allow the building of the fence. Carried.
- Chad Hendee presented a Revocable License Agreement with Northern
Natural Gas. There is no cost to the County and the
agreement can be revoked by either party at any time.
Motion by Krueger, second by Dippel to approve the license
agreement. Carried.
- Senior Center and Renewal Unlimited to discuss possibility
of land purchase near the Highway Shop. Motion by Krueger,
second by Dippel to discuss at next meeting. Carried.
- Discussion and possible resolution on renewal of building space
leases with USDA and DNR Forester, tabled until next
month’s meeting.
Motion by Krueger, second by Dippel to discuss at next
meeting. Carried.
- Family Court Commissioner Leo Grill requested use of a County
meeting room, to be used by a group who runs court mandated
seminars for parents with children involved in a divorce.
The individuals who run these seminars are paid for their
services. Discussion ensued on meeting room policy which
states activities are prohibited that are profit making, and on the
policy of charging for the room. Grill asked if they could use a
room for their next sessions in January, while at the same time seek
another site for future meetings. Committee agreed to this.
- Kathy Schauf announced her continued work on communication
issues between departments and the creation of functional
groups. The intent is to start talking about issues before
they become problems.
- Departmental Updates - Carl Gruber, Risk Management
- Monthly Report - went to accident where gas line was cut;
went over injuries from ERT Physical Agility’s training; performed respirator fit tests
for jailers; ordered safety supplies; worked on resolution for insurance renewal;
worked on yearly check of County drivers licenses with WCM; worked on 12 workers
comp cases & 3 open liability cases; performed ergonomic evaluation at
HCC, Child Support; sent attorney’s request for employee w/c records
to Sentry and Corp Counsel; inspected Reedsburg Human Services building & Baraboo
Highway shop; attended dept head meeting; worked on question from Personnel
re new Highway employee’s DOT record; attended HCC safety committee
meeting; updated OSHA 300 logs; set dates/times for Highway hearing exams;
set up drug test on new Highway employees, performed random tests at same
time; checked job site re flagging; received call on an EAP referral and
helped organize it.
- Review and approve deductibles. Motion by Volz, second by Dippel
to approve 2 deductibles totaling $4,426.37. Carried.
- Present resolution on approving liability, property and workers
compensation insurance coverage, carriers and premiums
for Sauk from Jan 1, 2006 to Jan 1, 2007. Premium will
be lower than last year. Motion by Krueger, second by
Volz to approve. Carried.
Gruber also asked Committee if they wanted to keep the
general liability deductible at $10,000. Committee agreed.
Departmental Updates - Tim Stieve, Buildings & Safety
- Monthly Report - spent approximately 8 hours on phone problems,
adds & changes;
working on changing over 800 number service to Century Tel, with
a better rate; finishing up on preparing our systems
for winter; working on caulking issue on exterior of historic
courthouse, Kramer will look at it.
Stieve reported on the towers and said maps showing
the towers/names will be created.
Steive distributed a schedule for the 3rd floor remodel.
- Review and approval of vouchers - Motion by Krueger, second
by Volz to approve monthly vouchers totaling $45,471.90.
- Resolution presented to purchase approximately 2,000 square
yards of carpet from Tandus U.S., Collins & Aikman Floorcoverings,
Inc. to be used to replace carpet in the Courthouse and West
Square facilities, at a cost not to exceed $28,600.00. Motion
by Krueger, second by Volz to approve. Carried. Bids for installation
of the carpeting are due Nov. 11,
- A list of 3 bids received on garbage collection. Onyx came
in at the lowest. Peterson Sanitation installed a trash compactor
and said we can buy it for $6500, which is cost effective. Motion
by Dippel, second by Krueger to contract with Onyx and to purchase
the trash compactor. Carried.
- Next Meeting: Monday, December 5, 2005 at 7:30 a.m.
- Meeting adjourned at 9:15 a.m. Motion by Krueger, second by Dippel.
Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Engelhardt,
November 8, 2005