DATE: Thursday, May 12, 2005
TIME: 9:00 a.m.
County Board Room Gallery 326-B
West Square Building
9:00 a.m. Joint Committee Meeting

  1. Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law
  2. Adopt Agenda
  3. Appearances
  4. Discussion of Proposed Cluster Development Option for Exclusive Agricultural Zoning Districts
    1. Discussion of State Livestock Siting Rules and Impact on County
    2. Discussion Regarding Implementation of Stormwater Runoff and Construction Site Erosion Control Rules
    3. Permitting of Agricultural Buildings
    4. Following completion of these items, the Land Conservation Committee will reconvene in UW-Extension - ETN room, while the Planning, Zoning and Land Records Committee will continue meeting in the same room under separate agenda, to address the following agenda items:
      Planning, Zoning and Land Records Committee Meeting *Amended*
      1. Adopt Agenda
      2. Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting
      3. Communications
      4. Business Items (Brown Resolution)
  5. Department Updates: Mapping
    1. Update on data sharing policy for land records information
    2. Review of data distribution agreement
    3. Review and approval of vouchers
  6. Department Updates: Register of Deeds
    1. Monthly report
    2. Review and approval of vouchers
  7. Department Updates: Surveyor
    1. No report
  8. Department Updates: Planning and Zoning
    1. Monthly report.
    2. Discussion and possible action on Resolution for the Baraboo Range Protection Program for purchase of development rights from Brian Farr (93.4 acres) in Section 16 or 15, T11N, R6E in the Town of Baraboo.
    3. *Discussion and possible action on request by the Town of Delton and Tom Ritzenthaler, represented by counsel Troy Hellenbrand, to take action approving the rezone from Ag to Single Family by Thomas Ritzenthaler, S3444 Fox Hill Road, Baraboo, 53913 for the purpose of developing a 20 lot subdivision in SE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 15, T12N, R6E of the Town of Delton . *Amendment*
    4. ** D. Discussion and possible action on Resolution for the Baraboo Range Protection Program for purchase of development rights from George and Kyoko Archibald (16.49 acres) in Section 16 or 15, T11N, R6E in the Town of Baraboo. **Amendment**
  9. 9. Adjourn

COPIES TO: County Clerk Wiegand Bailey Gaalswyck Wiese Lehman Ashford Sprecher Dederich Liebman Pate Town Clerks Town Chairpersons Farr Ritzenthaler Hellenbrand Greenhalgh Liston


PREPARED BY: Planning and Zoning Dept.