Planning, Zoning & Land Records Committee
DATE: Tuesday, November 8, 2005
TIME: 9:00am
3rd Floor - County Board Room
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI
- Call to order and certify compliance with open meetings law.
- Adopt Agenda.
- Adopt minutes of previous meeting(s).
- Communications.
- Business items.
- . Departmental Updates: Mapping
- Monthly report.
- Discussion and action on vouchers.
- Departmental Updates: Register of Deeds
- Monthly report.
- Discussion and action on vouchers.
- Departmental Updates: Surveyor
- Monthly report.
- Departmental updates: Planning & Zoning
- Monthly report.
- Discussion and action to approve the rezoning request (petition
16-2005) as filed by Don and Delores Strohbeen,
Steve Higgins agent, in the Town of Baraboo. A public hearing was held
on this request on September 27, 2005 and was tabled pending Town of
Baraboo action.
- Update from conference attendance.
- Discussion and action on vouchers.
- Next Meeting.
- 11. Adjournment.
TO: County Clerk Wiegand Bailey Pate
Gaalswyck Wiese Lehman Ashford
Sprecher Dederich Liebman Town Clerks Town Chairpersons
Schauf Strohbeens Higgins
DATE NOTICE MAILED: November 7, 2005
PREPARED BY: Lance Gurney, Planning & Zoning Department