Planning, Zoning & Land Records Committee

* Amended

DATE: Tuesday, November 22, 2005
3rd Floor - County Board Room
West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI



  1. Call to order and certify compliance with open meetings law.
  2. Adopt Agenda.
  3. Adopt minutes of previous meeting(s).
  4. Communications.
  5. Business items
  6. Departmental Updates: Mapping
    1. No report.
  7. Departmental Updates: Register of Deeds
    1. No report.
  8. Departmental Updates: Surveyor
    1. No report.
  9. Departmental updates: Planning & Zoning
    1. Monthly report.
    2. Discussion and possible action on zoning enforcement issues relative to wild animal facilities and duplexes in the Town of Excelsior.
    3. Discussion and possible action on proposed amendment to the Baraboo Range Protection Program to allow the use of the $250,000 of WisDOT funds provided by way of the USH 12 MOA to purchase development rights from property directly adjacent to the Baraboo Range when a portion of the property lies within the landmark boundary. This proposed amendment was endorsed by the PZLR Committee as well as by the signatories to the USH 12 MOA and was recently reviewed and approved by the WisDOT.
    4. Review and possible action on amendments to Town of Merrimac Zoning Ordinance.
    5. * Discussion and action to approve the rezoning request (petition 16-2005) as filed by Don and Delores Strohbeen, Steve Higgins agent, in the Town of Baraboo. A public hearing was held on this request on September 27, 2005 and was tabled pending Town of Baraboo action.
    6. Review and approval of vouchers.
  10. Public Hearing: To begin at approximately 9:30 A.M. (Committee to consider and take possible action at the conclusion of each respective hearing).
    1. Petition # 20-2005 - A petition by the Sauk County Planning and Zoning Department to make amendments to Chapters 7 and 22 of the Sauk County Code of Ordinances relative to permitting the use of Planned Unit Development (PUD's) in Sauk County's rural areas as an overlay zoning district. The overall concept of the PUD program includes the identification of appropriate densities and locations of rural residential growth while balancing the protection of agricultural, forest and wildlife resources through the application of "clusters" or "conservation subdivisions". This request also includes the creation of a new zoning district referred to as "Rural Community" that acknowledges unincorporated hamlet areas in Sauk County as mixed-use developments and allows for continued development or redevelopment consistent with the hamlets historic rural character. The primary intent of the amendments is to provide for density-based development options in accordance with applicable county and town as well as conformance with the Farmland Preservation Program and Sauk County's Ag Preservation Plan.
  11. Next meeting (Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - This will be a joint committee meeting with the LCC)
  12. Adjournment

COPIES TO: County Clerk Schauf Pate Bailey Gaalswyck Wiese Lehman Ashford Sprecher Dederich Liebman Dick Grant Town Clerks Town Chairpersons Tim McCumber Bob Cassity Van Berkel Strohbeen Higgins

DATE NOTICE MAILED: November 18, 2005

PREPARED BY: Lance Gurney, Planning & Zoning Department