Board of Adjustment
DATE: February 24, 2005
TIME: 8:30am
Board Room
Sauk County West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI. 53913
- Business Meeting Room 213
- Call to order, certification of open meetings notice.
- Approval of agenda.
- Approval of minutes of previous meeting.
- Communications.
- Board of Adjustment public hearing beginning at 9:00 a.m.
- Keith Goerks, Baraboo Concrete Co. Inc., (SP-05-05).
The applicant is requesting a special exception permit
pursuant to s. 7.05(2)(k)19 to authorize the renewal
of a special exception permit to operate a mineral
extraction site. The property is located in the Agricultural
District, on real estate described as: part of the
NW ¼, SW ¼, and the SW ¼, NW ¼,
section 23 and part of the NW ¼, SE ¼,
section 22, T12N, R6E, Town of Baraboo, tax parcels
002-0692, 0718, 0719, & 0723.
- Carol Clement-Stanton., Russ Hansen, (agent), (SP-07-05).
The applicant is requesting special exception permits
pursuant to s. 7.08(2)(b)4,10,13.17 & 20 to authorize
the construction of a 200 unit campground with an amusement
arcade, a miniature golf course, a volleyball court
and a residence for the operator. The property is located
in the Recreational-Commercial District and described
as: part of the E ½, NE ¼, section 22,
T13N, R5E, Town of Dellona, tax parcels 006-0441, & 0444.
- Lynne Yauchler, (SP-08-05). The applicant is requesting
a special exception permit pursuant to s. 7.05(2)(a)
and s. 7.03(2)(n)1 to authorize the operation of a
bed & breakfast establishment. The property is
located in the Agricultural District on real estate
described as: S1472 McKinney Rd., part of the SE ¼,
NE ¼, section 20, T13N, R3E, Town of La Valle,
tax parcel 024-0519.
- Ray Zobel & Sons Inc., (SP-09-05). The applicant
is requesting a special exception permit pursuant to
s. 7.05(2)(k)19 to authorize the renewal of a special
exception permit to continue the operation of a limestone
quarry. The property is located in the Agricultural
District on real estate described as: part of the N ½,
SW ¼, and part of the SW ¼, SW ¼,
section 19, T12N, R4E, Town of Reedsburg, tax parcels
030-0706, 0707, 0708 & 0709.
- Kirk Nelson, Matthew Filus (agent), (SP-10-05).
The applicant is requesting a special exception permit
pursuant to s. 7.10(2)(b)4 to authorize the location
of an existing pond within 300 feet of lot lines of
a proposed certified survey map. This property is zoned
Resource Conservancy District-35 on real estate described
as: S6397 County Road PF, part of the SW ¼,
section 21, T11N, R5E, Town of Freedom, tax parcels
016-0441, 0443, 0445 & 0446.
- Possible viewing of sites with the time and location to
be announced at the hearing. Viewing will take place the
date of the hearing prior to adjournment.
- Adjournment.
COPY TO: Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk (for distribution
Town Clerk (Towns involved) Board of Adjustment Members Sauk County Planning
and Zoning Office
NOTICE PREPARED BY: Sauk County Planning and Zoning February
9, 2005