Board of Adjustment


DATE: February 24, 2005
Board Room
Sauk County West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI. 53913


  1. Business Meeting Room 213
  2. Call to order, certification of open meetings notice.
  3. Approval of agenda.
  4. Approval of minutes of previous meeting.
  5. Communications.
  6. Board of Adjustment public hearing beginning at 9:00 a.m.
    1. Keith Goerks, Baraboo Concrete Co. Inc., (SP-05-05). The applicant is requesting a special exception permit pursuant to s. 7.05(2)(k)19 to authorize the renewal of a special exception permit to operate a mineral extraction site. The property is located in the Agricultural District, on real estate described as: part of the NW ¼, SW ¼, and the SW ¼, NW ¼, section 23 and part of the NW ¼, SE ¼, section 22, T12N, R6E, Town of Baraboo, tax parcels 002-0692, 0718, 0719, & 0723.
    2. Carol Clement-Stanton., Russ Hansen, (agent), (SP-07-05). The applicant is requesting special exception permits pursuant to s. 7.08(2)(b)4,10,13.17 & 20 to authorize the construction of a 200 unit campground with an amusement arcade, a miniature golf course, a volleyball court and a residence for the operator. The property is located in the Recreational-Commercial District and described as: part of the E ½, NE ¼, section 22, T13N, R5E, Town of Dellona, tax parcels 006-0441, & 0444.
    3. Lynne Yauchler, (SP-08-05). The applicant is requesting a special exception permit pursuant to s. 7.05(2)(a) and s. 7.03(2)(n)1 to authorize the operation of a bed & breakfast establishment. The property is located in the Agricultural District on real estate described as: S1472 McKinney Rd., part of the SE ¼, NE ¼, section 20, T13N, R3E, Town of La Valle, tax parcel 024-0519.
    4. Ray Zobel & Sons Inc., (SP-09-05). The applicant is requesting a special exception permit pursuant to s. 7.05(2)(k)19 to authorize the renewal of a special exception permit to continue the operation of a limestone quarry. The property is located in the Agricultural District on real estate described as: part of the N ½, SW ¼, and part of the SW ¼, SW ¼, section 19, T12N, R4E, Town of Reedsburg, tax parcels 030-0706, 0707, 0708 & 0709.
    5. Kirk Nelson, Matthew Filus (agent), (SP-10-05). The applicant is requesting a special exception permit pursuant to s. 7.10(2)(b)4 to authorize the location of an existing pond within 300 feet of lot lines of a proposed certified survey map. This property is zoned Resource Conservancy District-35 on real estate described as: S6397 County Road PF, part of the SW ¼, section 21, T11N, R5E, Town of Freedom, tax parcels 016-0441, 0443, 0445 & 0446.
  7. Possible viewing of sites with the time and location to be announced at the hearing. Viewing will take place the date of the hearing prior to adjournment.
  8. Adjournment.

COPY TO: Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk (for distribution Town Clerk (Towns involved) Board of Adjustment Members Sauk County Planning and Zoning Office

NOTICE PREPARED BY: Sauk County Planning and Zoning February 9, 2005