Board of Adjustment

DATE: March 24, 2005
TIME: 9:00 a.m.
Board Room
Sauk County West Square Building
505 Broadway
Baraboo, WI. 53913


  1. Call to order, certification of open meetings notice.
  2. Approval of agenda.
  3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting.
  4. Communications.
  5. Board of Adjustment public hearing beginning at 9:00 a.m.
    1. Pam & Doug Halverson, (SP-11-05). The applicant is requesting variances pursuant to s. 8.06(1)(c)2 and 8.05(3)(c) to authorize the removal of an existing nonconforming cottage and then build a new residence within the minimum road setback on a substandard lot. The property is located in the Shoreland District, on real estate described as: S7630 All Brite Rd., lot 4, All Brite View, part of the SE ¼, SE ¼, section 3, T10N, R7E, Town of Merrimac, tax parcels 026-0841.
    2. SWS, LLC. and Lawrence & Jeanette Meade, (SP-12-05). The applicant is requesting a special exception permit pursuant to s. 8.08(3)(a)1 to authorize filling and grading on slopes of more than 20% to level an area between two lots. The property is located in the Shoreland District and described as: lots 12 & 13, Lake View Estates, part of the SE ¼, NW ¼, section 8, T10N, R7E, Town of Merrimac, tax parcels 026-1284 & 1285 .
    3. James & Lora Jones and SWS, LLC., (SP-13-05). The applicant is requesting a special exception permit pursuant to s. 8.08(3)(a)1 to authorize the filling and grading on slopes of more than 20% to level an area between two lots. The property is located in the Shoreland District on real estate described as: lots 15 & 16 Lake View Estates, part of the SE ¼, NW ¼, section 8, T10N, R7E, Merrimac, tax parcels 026-1287 & 1288.
    4. Lindsay Faber, (SP-14-05). The applicant is requesting special exception permits pursuant to s. 8.07(5) and 8.08(3)(a)1 to authorize clearing in excess of 25% of a shoreline and filling and grading within 300 feet of a navigable creek . The property is located in the Shoreland District on real estate described as: E2681 Bluebird Rd., lot 16, Bluebird Springs, part of the NE ¼, NW ¼, section 18, T9N, R3E, Town of Bear Creek, tax parcel 004-0273-16.
    5. Patrick Frey, (SP-15-05). The applicant is requesting a special exception permit pursuant to s. 7.05B92)(b)3 to authorize the location of ponds within 300 feet of property lines and the road as part of a wetland restoration project. This property is zoned Exclusive Agricultural District on real estate described as: part of the E ½, NE ¼, section 32 and W ½, NW ¼ section 33, T10N, R4E, Town of Franklin, tax parcels 014-1022 & 1051.
    6. Duane & Kathy Tinsley, Harlan Olson (agent), (SP-16-05). The applicant is requesting a special exception permit pursuant to s. 8.08(3)(a)3 to authorize filling and grading in excess of 4000 sq. Ft. Within 300 feet of the lake as part of the construction of a residence. The property is located in the Shoreland District on real estate described as: S632 Cheyanne Ct., lot 22 Jay addition to Lake Redstone, part of the NW ¼, NE ¼, section 12, T13N, R3E, Town of La Valle, tax parcel 024-1890.
  6. Possible viewing of sites with the time and location to be announced at the hearing. Viewing will take place the date of the hearing prior to adjournment.
  7. Adjournment.

COPY TO: Beverly J. Mielke, County Clerk (for distribution),Town Clerk (Towns involved), Board of Adjustment Members, Sauk County Planning and Zoning Office

NOTICE PREPARED BY: Sauk County Planning and Zoning February 16, 2005