DATE: April 12, 2005
Committee Members Present: Wiese, Gaalswyk, Sprecher, Lehman.
Committee Member Absent: Ashford.
Others Present: Lance Gurney, Mary White, Lowell Haugen, Steve Pate, Harold Spink and Pat Dederich.
Chairman Wiese called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and staff certified the meeting had been properly posted.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Gaalswyck to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
Motion by Gaalswyck, seconded Sprecher to approve the minutes of the March 22, 2005 Committee meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
Communications: Mr. Sprecher stated that the Town of Sumpter Board had questions regarding issuance of farm permits. They were also questioning what the County was doing as far as a large (over 500 head) livestock ordinance. Mr. Gurney will check with the Land Conservation Office and bring this item back as a discussion item at the next meeting. Farm odors, manure, setbacks, other land uses and truck traffic were briefly discussed. A nutrient management plan was also discussed.
Mr. Lehman questioned the uniform dwelling code and a building inspector being assigned to the County. Mr. Gurney stated that there was no "county building inspector." The Department of Commerce has assigned a building inspector for this part of the state. This covers new construction only, not repairs or additions.
Business items: The Committee signed the resolution denying the Charles Geffert rezoning petition that was heard at the March 22, 2005 public hearing. Mr. Gurney explained that the County Board could approve the resolution or send it back to the Committee. Mr. Gurney also explained that if Mr. Geffert wanted to make any major changes in his original plan he would have to resubmit it as a new petition.
The status of the Don Adams purchase of development rights was briefly discussed.
Mr. Pat Dederich, County Surveyor, appeared next. Discussion followed regarding changing the county surveyor position from an elected position to an appointed one. The length of term was reviewed. Mr. Gaalswyck stated he was in favor of this arrangement. Mr. Dederich stated that no changes would be made until after his 2 year term was up. He stated that an expansion on hours could be looked at that time also. The County Surveyor's hours and how they were spent was discussed. The Committee discussed the amount of survey work remaining to be done on the county tower sites. Monumentation and perpetuation of monuments was reviewed. Mr. Dederich proposed an increase in monument bounty from $350.00 to $500.00. Mr. Sprecher stated this item would have to be put on the agenda for the Committee to act on it. Mr. Sprecher asked if requesting bids would save County funds. Mr. Sprecher stated that Mr. Dederich should begin writing specifications for bounties and get information to the Committee that was needed for them to make a decision.
Mr. Gurney appeared next. The Committee reviewed a letter that was sent to the County Board by State Representative Sheryl Albers regarding the state maintenance program.
Item 9b regarding the Final Plat by Peter Kolar was postponed.
Mr. Harold Spink then appeared regarding his petition to rezone property in the Town of Fairfield from Agriculture Conservation to Recreational Commercial for the expansion of an existing golf course. This petition was approved by the Town of Fairfield on January 20, 2005. Mr. Spink stated that no one appeared in opposition. Motion by Gaalswyck, seconded by Lehman to approve the zoning change. Motion carried 4-0.
Motion by Gaalswyck, seconded by Sprecher to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Ashford, Secretary