Planning & Zoning Committee Meeting Minutes

DATE: September 27, 2005

Committee Members Present: Gaalswyk, Sprecher, Ashford, Wiese and Lehman.

Others Present: Mary White, Brian Simmert, Pat Dederich, Dan Creviston and others.

Chairman Wiese called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. and staff certified the meeting had been properly posted.

Motion by Ashford, seconded by Gaalswyck to approve the agenda.
Motion carried 5-0.

Motion by Gaalswyck, seconded by Ashford to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2005 meeting.
Motion carried 5-0.

Communications: None

Business items - none.

The Mapping Department and Register of Deeds had no reports.

Mr. Brian Simmert, Planner for the Planning and Zoning Department, stated there was no monthly report for the Planning and Zoning Department.

Discussion followed regarding the Final Plat of Windy Meadows in the Town of Winfield. Mr. Daniel Creviston, owner, was present. Mr. Simmert briefly explained the approval procedure for class 1 subdivisions and that no public hearing was needed. The owner is proposing to divide one additional lot from lot 1 of a previous certified survey map, (CSM. 4683). The Town of Winfield had approved the additional building site at their September meeting. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to approve the Final Plat of Windy Meadows as presented.
Motion carried 5-0.

Mr. Pat Dederich, County Surveyor, then appeared and presented his voucher list and one interdepartmental transfer for approval. The interdepartmental transfer was from the Highway Department for the time of flag men provided on Highway 12. Motion by Gaalswyck, seconded by Ashford to approve the payment of vouchers as submitted.
Motion carried 5-0.

The Committee then reviewed the voucher list for the Planning and Zoning Office. Motion by Ashford, seconded by Sprecher to approve payment of the vouchers in the amount of $3,121.07.
Motion carried, 5-0.

The public hearing was called to order by Chairman Wiese at 9:30 A.M. The Committee was introduced and the Chairman explained the order of the hearing.

The first petition to be heard was Petition # 8-2005 for approval of a rezone from an Agriculture zoning district to a Single-Family zoning district for the purpose of establishing a residential subdivision within the Town of Baraboo Sanitary District. The request is being made by Gary Kowalke, agent and Fred Gasner, applicant and property owner. The parcel of land affected by the rezone is located in Section 1, T11N, R6E in the Town of Baraboo, Sauk County, Wisconsin.

Mr. Brian Simmert, Planning and Zoning Planner, appeared and gave a brief history of the rezone request. Surrounding uses were discussed.

Mr. Fred Gasner registered in favor, but did not wish to speak.

Ms. Darlene Hill, Town of Baraboo Chair, appeared in favor. She stated that the Town of Baraboo Board approved this use. Mr. Sprecher asked about reaching the use limit of the Baraboo Sanitary District. Ms. Hill responded that this was within the usage limits.

Seeing no one else wished to speak, Chairman Weise closed the public portion of the hearing.

Motion by Gaalswyck, seconded by Ashford to approve the rezone from an Agriculture zoning district to a Single-Family zoning district for the purpose of establishing a residential subdivision.
Motion carried, 5-0.

The next petition to be heard was Petition #13-2005 for approval of a rezone from an Exclusive Agricultural zoning district to a Commercial zoning district for the purpose of making an existing pallet construction business compliant with current zoning requirements. The request is being made by James Wiley, agent/applicant and property owner. The parcel of land affected by the rezone is located in Section 19, T10N,R5E in the Town of Honey Creek, Sauk County, Wisconsin.

Mr. Brian Simmert appeared and gave a brief history of this petition and recommendation of approval. He stated that Board of Adjustment approval was also needed. The Town of Honey Creek Board had also approved the request.

Attorney Dale Carlson, representing James Wiley, appeared. He stated that the business has been in operation a little over a year ago and the property was previously used as a feed mill. Mr. Lehman asked if there was a saw mill on site. Mr. Carlson explained that they purchase rough sawn lumber, cut it and put the pallets together. There is only 1 or possibly 2 employees.

As no one else wished to speak, Chairman Wiese closed the public portion of the hearing. Motion by Lehman, seconded by Sprecher to approve the rezoning request. Mr. Sprecher stated it was a good use of the property.
Motion carried, 5-0.

Petition #14-2005 was heard next. This was a petition for approval of a rezone from an Agriculture zoning district to a Commercial zoning district for the purpose of establishing a truck terminal inclusive of dump truck and tractor-trailor storage. The proposed use of the property will also include a truck servicing area and office for the business operation. This request is being made by Deppe Transit, LLC, David and Timothy Deppe as agents. The parcel of land affected by the rezone is known as Lot 1 of CSM 2385, located in Section 3, T11N, R6E in the Town of Baraboo, Wisconsin.

Mr. Brian Simmert appeared and gave a brief history of the proposed rezoning with the recommendation of approval. He stated that this request will also need a special exception permit from the Board of Adjustment. He indicated that there was a possible problem with the location of the driveway, but this was a separate issue and would be handled by the Board of Adjustment. Ms. Ashford stated that this particular area always seemed to be quite busy.

City annexation was briefly discussed.

Mr. Tim Deppe appeared and spoke in favor. He stated that the word “terminal” sounded like more traffic than would actually occur. Trucks would be leaving early in the morning and returning late afternoon. Mr. Lehman asked about the septic system and washing of vehicles. Mr. Deppe stated that vehicles could be washed at other sites if necessary.

Mr. Dave Deppe appeared in favor. He stated that their existing truck operation located in the City would be moved to this site. This would provide a closer access to the highway. He also stated that washing vehicles would not be an issue. He said that there would not be continuous truck traffic all day and the driveway could be relocated if necessary.

Ms. Darlene Hill, Town of Baraboo Chair, appeared in favor. She stated that the Town is glad to have this business in the township. The property looks much better than it previously had. General development and city annexation was discussed.

Mr. Paul Endres, County Board Supervisor, appeared in support of the Town of Baraboo and the Deppe proposal.

Motion by Gaalswyck, seconded by Sprecher to approve the rezone from an Agriculture zoning district to a Commercial zoning district for the purpose of establishing a truck terminal.
Motion carried, 5-0.

The last petition to be heard was Petition #16-2005 for approval of a rezone from an Agriculture and Multiple-Family zoning district to a Recreational-Commercial zoning district for the purpose of bringing an existing campground into conformance with zoning regulations and to allow for future expansion of the business to accommodate summer youth camp programs and related structural improvements. The request is being made jointly by Don and DoloresStrohbeen, property owners, with Steve Higgins acting as agent. The parcel of land affected by the rezone is located in Sections 12 and 13, T11N,R5E in the Town of Baraboo, Wisconsin

Mr. Brian Simmert appeared, explained the request and recommended postponement due to the fact that the Town of Baraboo had not acted on the petition yet.

Mr. Steve Higgins appeared in favor. He explained that they were not changing the uses of the property, just bringing them up to date and into compliance with county codes.

Ms. Darlene Hill, Town of Baraboo Chair, appeared in favor. She explained that the reason the Town did not act on the petition was because the owner or representative was not in attendance. Their next board meeting is scheduled for October 11, 2005. Mr. Simmert explained that the Committee could not take action until the town did.

Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Ashford to postpone the petition until the Town of Baraboo takes action. Mr. Gaalswyck stated that he was in favor of this kind of recreational development around the State Park. Ms. Ashford said the area needs to be cleaned up and this is a positive use.
Motion to postpone carried, 5-0.

Motion by Ashford, seconded by Gaalswyck to adjourn. Motion carried, 5-0.

Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford, Secretary