Transportation & Parks Committee

Date: August 10, 2005



  1. Meeting called to Order by Chairman Hartje.

    Present: Hartje, Meister, Sprecher, Sinklair, and Stevens.

    Absent: None.

    Also present: Muchow; Carignan; Koenig; Jim Kazmierczak - Sauk Prairie Airport, Inc.; Michael Olah - Baraboo-Dells Municipal Airport; Bill Meyer - Reedsburg Municipal; Marc Higgs - Tri-Co. Airport.

  2. Adopt Agenda. Motion by Stevens, seconded by Meister.
    Motion carried.
  3. Adopt Minutes of Previous Meeting. Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Sinklair.
    Motion carried.
  4. Public Comment.


  5. Communications.

    Stevens reported that he has received letters and phone calls in opposition of the proposed ATV trails at White Mound Park.

    Hartje reported that Mr. Cassity, Town Excelsior Chairperson would like the County to mow noxious weeds on State Highways and the County should fund it since the State can not. Cassity also wants the Committee to approve a resolution requesting WisDOT to stop reducing highway maintenance funding.
    No Action.

  6. Review and Approve Vendor Vouchers. Discussion followed. Motion by Meister, seconded by Stevens to approve July 2005 bills in the amount of $ 418,507.00 . Motion carried.
  7. Review and Approve Employee Requests For Vacation Carryovers.


  8. Airport Report. Discussion followed.

    No Action.

  9. Railroad Report. Discussion followed.

    No Action.

  10. Review 2006 Airport's Budget Request.

    Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Sinklair to approve the airports' 2006 Budget requests as follows: Sauk Prairie $4,100.00; Reedsburg $4,100.00; Baraboo-Dells $ 4,100.00.
    Motion carried.

    Motion by Meister, seconded by Stevens to approve Tri-County Airport Budget request of $14,615.00.
    Motion carried.

  11. Discuss Garbage and Recycling Services for 2006. Discussion followed. Committee will solicit bids to be opened at the September 14th Committee meeting.
    No Action.
  12. Discuss Filling of Vacant Positions. Discussion followed.

    Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Stevens to approve filling of positions created by the retirement of Al Schwartz and the resignation of Steven Smith.
    Motion carried.

  13. Review and Approve Department's 2006 Budget Requests. Discussion followed.

    Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Stevens to approve Department's 2006 Budget Request with a 6.7% increase over 2005 to the Department's operational levy.
    Motion carried.

  14. Review and Approve 2006 Bridge Aid Petitions.

    Motion by Meister, seconded by Sinklair to approve 2006 Bridge Aid Petitions.
    Motion carried.

  15. Discuss 2005 Road Construction Projects. Discussion followed.

    The CTH W & X pulverize and pave project was started August 8th.

    The CTH PF pulverize and pave project should begin the week of August 15th.
    No Action.

    Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Stevens to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting set for Wednesday, September 14, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. at the Highway Department office.
    Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Halsey Sprecher, Secretary

Cc: County Clerk Steve Koenig Committee

Parks Department


  1. Approve Vouchers. Discussion followed. Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Meister to approve July 2005 bills in the amount of $ 5,503.13.
    Motion carried.
  2. Open Bids for Campground Electrical at 8:15 a.m.

    4 Bids were received for the Campground Electrical. Motion by Meister, seconded by Sinklair to award Neuman Electric the bid for the Campground Electrical in the amount of $ 13,400.00 .
    Motion carried.

    Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Meister to approve use of Forestry account to pay for electrical upgrade.
    Motion carried.

  3. Approve 2006 Parks Budget.

    Motion by Meister, seconded by Stevens to approve 2006 Parks Budget as presented.
    Motion carried.

  4. Approve Koenig, Stieve Attending WPRA Fall Conference.

    Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Stevens to approve Koenig and Stieve attending WPRA Conference.
    Motion carried.

  5. Approve Eagle Scout Project at Man Mound Park. Adam Johnson will organize crews to paint and repair facilities in September at Man Mound Park as a prerequisite for earning Eagle Scout status.

    Motion by Stevens, seconded by Sprecher to approve Eagle Scout Project at Man Mound Park.
    Motion carried.

    Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Stevens to adjourn to the next regularly scheduled meeting set for Wednesday, September 14, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. at the Highway Department Office.
    Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted: Halsey Sprecher Secretary

cc: County Clerk Steve Koenig Committee