DATE: September 14, 2005
Absent: None.
Also present: Muchow; Carignan; Koenig; Bill Mertens, Wilma Geier, Bud Geier, Mark Robson, Pat Werner - Pineland Association; Rob McConnell - Wis. ATV Association; Sue Tatar; Ivan Fleming; Rob Fleming, Don Fleming, Scott Klicko - Sauk ATV Club; Lori Schmidt; Cecilia Farran; Bill Lawton - Henry G. Meigs LLC.
Sprecher stated that the Sauk County Planning & Zoning commented that 13 section corners need to be relocated on CTH PF due to the highway construction project.
No Action.
Kevin Thomas - 41 hours
Motion by Sinklair, seconded by Stevens to approve vacation carryover.
No Action.
No Action.
3 Bids were received for Garbage and Recycling Services.
No Action.
Motion by Stevens, seconded by Sinklair to approve Resolution Commending Al Schwartz for Years of Service.
Motion carried.
Tabled until subsequent meeting.
No Action.
DOT would like the Department to pave several areas on STH 60.
Motion by Sprecher, seconded by Stevens to approve WisDOT Discretionary Maintenance Agreement for Asphalt Repair.
Motion carried.
CTH PF - Binder mat should be finished on 9/14, surface mat paving will begin 9/15/05.
CTH H Sealcoating/Overlay- DL Gasser finished their half of project, Scott Construction is beginning their half on 9/15/05.
No Action.
No Action.
No Action.
No Action.
No Action.
Motion by Stevens, seconded by Sprecher to adjourn to the next regularly
scheduled meeting set for Wednesday, October 12, 2005 at 8:00
a.m. at the Highway Department office.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Halsey Sprecher, Secretary
Cc: County Clerk Steve Koenig Committee
No Action.
Motion by Meister, seconded by Stevens to approve Resolution for Campground Electrical Upgrade.
Motion carried.
Motion by Stevens, seconded by Sprecher to adjourn to the next regularly
scheduled meeting set for Wednesday, October 12, 2005 at 8:00
a.m. at the Highway Department Office.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Halsey Sprecher, Secretary
cc: County Clerk Steve Koenig Committee