UW Campus Commission Meeting Minutes

DATE: Thursday, May 19, 2005
TIME: 9:00am
Conference Room in Lange Center
Baraboo/Sauk County UW Campus
1006 Connie Rd
Baraboo, WI

Members Present: Wedekind, Mielke, Giese, Brophy, Geimer, Haugen, Griffith, Liston, Lombard, and Will.

Chairperson Wedekind called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. and compliance with the Open Meeting Law was verified.

Motion by Will, seconded by Geimer to approve the agenda for today's meeting, as mailed.
Motion carried.

Motion by Giese, seconded by Will to approve the minutes of the April 21, 2005 meeting, as mailed.
Motion carried.

Financial Report:

Cheryl Giese, City Clerk presented a financial report from 1/1/05 to 5/31/05 which indicated an unencumbered balance of $36,264.86 (the report did not include Sauk County's share of 2005 budget funding; which has been received but not posted).

Maintenance Report and Approval of Bills:

R. Griffith presented the monthly maintenance report and list of bills. Griffith reported air conditioning units are being checked and prepared for the season, carpeting has been laid in the theater, and some roof repair has been completed, with the condition of all roofs being inspected. Motion by Lombard, seconded by Will to approve the monthly bills, as presented, in the amount of $9,754.72.
Motion carried.

Dean's Report:

Dean Brophy reported on the following items:

In conferring the Senator Schultz, Dean Brophy felt the Baraboo-Sauk County Campus would be spared from any "merging" issues being contemplated on the state budget level.

Review of Master Plan:

A review of the previously distributed, "UW Colleges Capital Planning Issues" document followed. Concerns were expressed regarding the reduced number of second year students returning to campus and what could be done to increase the number returning.

Report on Bidding Procedures:

Dean Brophy noted he had been advised by the Central Administration Offices of the University of Wisconsin Colleges system to review the bidding process for major projects paid by the city and/or county. The process proposed would allow the campus staff to work with the Campus Commission to develop specifications for major projects that need to go out to bid, however project specifications would then be forwarded to the appropriate agency within the city or county to proceed with the formal bid process, with bids being returned to the Campus Commission to be opened, reviewed and awarded during a future meeting. Dean Brophy noted Corporation Counsel Liebman had not reviewed this recommendation or had input.

Considerable discussion followed relative to this process. An item of concern expressed was the additional amount of time necessary to complete the proposed process. Several Commission members felt the procedure might be more efficient if only one ownership entity was involved. The Corporation Counsel will be contacted for his review and input on this matter, with a report to be made at the next meeting.

Report on Activities Allowed to be Held on Campus by Outside Agencies:

Activity guidelines were discussed, with Dean Brophy going on record as affirming any activity events entered will be with "educational partners" of the campus.

Pre-Budget Discussion:

Chair Wedekind announced it was his intention to complete the 2006 budget request by early summer and stated he felt the monetary budget amount should be similar to this year, with rough cost estimates of $85,000 in monthly bills, $12,000 for insurance, $25,000 boiler fund reserve and any remainder being used for capital outlay.

Dean Brophy distributed a first draft of his 2006 budget proposal for the campus and asked that Commission members review the information prior to next month's meeting. Chair Wedekind requested the Dean to prioritize the list of capital outlay items included in his budget plan.

Motion by Haugen, seconded by Lombard to adjourn and set the next, regular meeting date for Thursday, June 16, 2005 at 9:00 A.M..
Motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 10:10 A.M.

Respectfully submitted: Beverly J. Mielke, Sauk County Clerk