Members present: Borleske, Lehman, Zowin
UWEX Staff present: Dietmann, Olson
Advisory members present: Dunse, Neuwirth
The meeting was called to order at 9:27 AM by Vice-Chair Lehman.
Requirements of the open meeting law were met.
Motion by Zowin, second by Borleske to approve agenda.
Motion approved
Motion by Borleske, second by Zowin to approve the minutes
of the last meeting.
Motion approved.
Paul Dietmann reported that he had received an e-mail from Jessica Jens letting him know that YEPS won the Earth Stewardship Award that was being presented at the National 4-H meeting that is being held in Milwaukee.
Paul also read an e-mail that he received from Dan Malacara, Director for Budget & Fiscal Operations for UW-Extension, in response to Paul's request for an explanation of State Statute 59.56(3)(e) regarding $1,500 in state aid for county extension programs after Dan had received a response back from the Wisconsin Department of Administration. Kerry Beghin had brought the question up to Paul after reading the state statutes covering agents' contracts and salaries. Mr. Malacara relayed how the language of the statute has been interpreted through the years since there is no statutory record nor could they find anyone who could relate legislative intent when the language was included in the 1957 modifications to Chapter 59, and the assumption is that the appropriation has been awarded through UW-Extension for county extension programming.
Monthly bills include the invoice for 4-H project materials.
Motion by Zowin, second by Borleske to approve the September
bills in the amount of $2,922.41.
Motion approved.
The department is over projected revenues as was reported previously. The department is staying within their budget on expense line items except on the Educational Supplies line as previously reported.
by Zowin, second by Borleske to bring this item back after
tabling the issue at the September 28, 2006 meeting.
Paul presented the revised draft of the Advisory Committee Policies, pointing out that he included a listing of the four program areas in the Purposes of the Advisory Committee as was previously discussed and he also added wording to the section on Selection of the Four Advisory Committee Members regarding solicitation and selection of representative candidates. Terms of service are set to begin on May 1 and will run for two (2) years.
Donna Neuwirth suggested that openings on the Advisory Committee be advertised as an opportunity to serve the county and as a way for people to be able to voice their opinions. Paul offered to make that an additional bullet point under the Purposes of the Committee.
Motion by Borleske, second by Zowin to approve the Policies for Agricultural
and Extension Education Advisory Committee with the addition of the bullet
Motion approved.
Paul had also drafted an informational sheet application form for prospective representative candidates to fill out. The committee liked the format, but suggested that a description of the CNRED program and its possible clientele groups be more fully defined since the program area encompasses so many broad areas. It was deemed that no motion was necessary to approve the use of the application.
Paul gave a Power Point presentation entitled "Successful Farm Business Start-up: A Few Ideas" that he presented in January 2006 to beginning farmers.
The next regular meeting will be Thursday, November 30, 2006, at 9:00 AM in the ETN Classroom.
Motion by Borleske, second by Zowin to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at
11:00 AM.
Respectfully submitted: Paul Dietmann