Arts, Humanities, and Historic Preservation

DATE: Friday, February 10, 2006
1:00 P.M.
Sauk County West Square Building
Room 213
Baraboo, Wisconsin



  1. Call to Order and Certify Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
  2. Adopt Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting.
  4. Public Comments and Concerns.
  5. Communications and Reports.
    1. Schwalbach Gallery - Display of work of UW Stout Professor Bryan Ritchie
    2. Arts Day March 2, 2006.
    3. UW Baraboo Sauk County campus Summerst Theatre
    4. WAHPC Spring Conference in Sauk City, Saturday April 8, 2006.
    5. Wisconsin Association of Historic Preservation Commissions newsletter
    6. "Funding for History" training program, February 17, 2006.
  6. Update on Attridge Building - P. Shrake.
  7. Discussion and consideration of Historic Preservation project, P. Wolter.
  8. Discussion and consideration of formalized disbursement procedures.
  9. Consideration of meeting funding needs for Blue Lake International Touring Company
  10. Updates:
    1. Review and consideration of requests for artist registry.
    2. County courthouse
    3. Archiving and inventory of county historic documents.
    4. Humanities Speakers
    5. Historic Preservation Month - May.
    6. Cultural Resources Directory
    7. Mini grant process and documentation.
  11. Approval of Vouchers
  12. Next Meeting Date -March 10, 2006.
  13. Adjourn.

COPIES TO: County Clerk Web Liaison Media

DATE NOTICE MAILED: January 30, 2006

PREPARED BY: Office of Administrative Coordinator