Members present: Arthur Carlson, Rose White, Judy Ashford, Lola Huber, Henry Netzinger, Peter Tollaksen, Jay Salinas
Members excused: none
Others present: Kathy Schauf, Peter Shrake,
The agenda was approved on a motion by Tollaksen, second by Ashford, and a unanimous vote of the Committee. The minutes of the prior meeting were approved on a motion by Netzinger, second by White, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.
Thank you letter from Dean Brophy for support of Lady Luxury project.
Tabled until request for appropriation is made.
Discussion centered around a two tiered system of disbursement, which would include the typical grant cycle as well as a mini grant cycle. Motion by Salinas, second by Ashford to create a subcommittee of Salinas, Ashford and Schauf to develop a process and report back to the committee. Motion carried.
Possible projects for 2006 were considered. A. Carlson will investigate hosting a Blue Lake International Touring Group in Spring Green. Paul Wolter will be invited to the next committee meeting to discuss the creation of a Humanities presentation germane to Sauk County architecture. Other ideas included: Art kits for schools in Sauk County, partnerships with various organizations such as UW Extension.
Artist Registry - Requests by N. Piedelstien and M. Greenhalgh
were considered. Motion by Tollaksen, second by Netzinger to
update registry with artists work.
Motion carried.
County Courthouse - The subcommittee reported on current events being planned.
Inventory of Historic County documents - On hold.
Humanities Speakers - Motion by Netzinger, second by Ashford to approve Terese Allen and Michael Goc as humanities speakers for 2006. Motion carried.
Historic Preservation Month - A photographic contest is anticipated for 2006.
Cultural Resources Directory - January draft is being anticipated.
No vouchers to approve. Meeting adjourned on a motion by White, seconded by Tollaksen, with a unanimous committee vote. Next meeting date was set for 1:00 p.m. On February 10, 2006, Room 213 of the West Square Building.
Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford, Secretary