DATE: Friday, April 21
2006 Room 213
West Square Building
Baraboo, WI
The regular meeting of the Sauk County Arts, Humanities and Historic Preservation Committee was called to order and certification of Open Meeting compliance was given at 1:02 p.m. by Art Carlson.
Members present: Arthur Carlson, Judy Ashford, Lola Huber, Jay Salinas, Rose White, Peter Tollaksen
Members excused: Henry Netzinger
Others present: Kathy Schauf, Peter Shrake, Paul Wolter
The agenda was approved on a motion by Tollaksen, second by White, and a unanimous vote of the Committee. The minutes of the two prior meetings (with amendments) were approved on a motion by White, second by Ashford, and a unanimous vote of the Committee.
Schwalbach Gallery Student Art Exhibit April 10 - May 26.
Wisconsin Outsider Art Book, Miracles of Spirit: Folk, Art
and Stories from Wisconsin
Americans for the Arts National Conference in Milwaukee
P. Wolter shared proposal details. Motion by Ashford, second
by Tollaksen, to approve moving forward with this process
for $1,200 (includes three performances). Scheduling to be
arranged for presentations over the fall and winter. The
intellectual property rights will belong to Sauk County.
Motion carried.
Draft goals were discussed.
Preference to handle requests on a case by case basis.
The following changes were recommended for improvements in the grant process: Standardized format for handing in applications (stapled etc.), limit personnel information to one page, limit itemized spreadsheet to one page, creation of an evaluation form specifically for Humanities programs, change calendar year language, recommend that documentation be provided for large ticket items, (copy of an invoice or estimate).
Significant policy change is in considering excluding marketing from the list of activities that would not be considered; and that the intent of this program is to be seed money for innovative, new ideas, not ongoing operational expenses. Special consideration given to new and innovative projects from start up organizations.
Motion by Tollaksen, second by Ashford, to approve changes to the grant
Motion carried.
Motion by Ashford, second by White, to approve membership in
Arts Wisconsin.
Motion carried.
Motion by Tollaksen, second by Huber, to approve membership
in the Wisconsin Historical Society.
Motion carried.
Artist Registry - None.
County Courthouse - The subcommittee reported on current events being planned.
Inventory of Historic County documents - On hold.
Humanities Speakers - Both presentations have been planned and are set.
Historic Preservation Month - A photographic contest is anticipated for 2006. Panel meetsWednesday, May 24, 2006.
Cultural Resources Directory - On web. Press release on web and to media.
Mini grant process and documentation. Nothing new to report.
Blue Lake touring group. A. Carlson presented on current updates.
Motion by Tollaksen, second by White to approve vouchers in the amount of to approve $6,500.00. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned on a motion by White, seconded by Tollaksen, with a unanimous committee vote.
Next meeting date was set for 1:00 p.m. on May 12, 2006,
Room 213 of the West Square Building.
Respectfully submitted: Judy Ashford,