Communications Infrastructure Committee

DATE: February 9th, 2006

Members Present: Tommy Lee Bychinski, Virgil Hartje, Charlie Montgomery

Others Present: Tim Stieve, Phil Raab, Chad Hendee

  1. Meeting called to order by Chair Bychinski at 4:05 p.m. certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law was met.
  2. Adopt agenda:

    Motion by Hartje, second by Montgomery to adopt agenda.

  3. Adopt minutes:

    Motion by Montgomery, second by Hartje to approve minutes of last meeting.

  4. Public Comment:


  5. Communications:

    Tim Stieve discussed phone conversation he had with a Mr. Richard Wilson. Richard & Lynn Wilson own a three acre parcel that shares a property line with the property we are buying from Mr. Gene Neuheisel. There are no structures on the three acre parcel and there is a small pond near Thuli Road that is part of this three acre parcel. Tim noted that as part of the Board of Adjustment special exception permit for Spring Green, he sent a waiver to Mr. & Mrs. Wilson to sign, as their property line is less than two times the height of the tower from the tower itself. The tower will actually sit 275 feet from the property line. Tim advised that Richard was wanting to know if the County wanted to buy this property from him. Tim advised Richard this was something the Committee would have to address.

  6. Business Items:

    1. Filtering Resolution: Phil explained we are still waiting on pricing and therefore this was going to have to wait until the March Meeting.
    2. Update on Spring Green: Discussed what to do in regards to the Wilson property. It was noted that there is no reason for the County to buy/own this property. Chad Hendee was present to talk about what options are available. The committee felt that Todd Liebman and Tim should get back to the Wilsons to discuss this further and report back at the next Committee meeting on March 1st.
    3. Review budget: Tim handed out and reviewed with the Committee a year-to-date budget showing what has been spent and what is estimated to be spent.
  7. Next Regular Meeting: March 1st, 2006 at 7:30 a.m. in EMBS Meeting Room 128 at the Courthouse,
  8. Adjourn: Move to adjourn by Montgomery, second by Hartje.

Submitted by: Timothy R. Stieve, February 10th, 2006